  • 學位論文


The study of human nature and politics of Han fei zi

指導教授 : 周德良


本論文研究範疇以韓非子人性及政治思想為範疇,主要研究對象為韓非子。本論文以韓非子思想淵源、所處時代背景、其政治思想之脈絡:法、術、勢談起,探析法、術、勢合成之政治思想。此外,本論文亦探析韓非子「人性」之觀點,並論述韓非子「人性論」在政治思想之運用。研究韓非子透過對人性的了解,協助政治次序之建立,體現現實之意義。 本論文分為五章: 第一章是緒論,主要説明論文架構,研究動機及參考文獻。 第二章韓非思想淵源,韓非子是先秦法家的集大成者,主要是研究韓非子思想的理論基礎,深入了解韓非子法治思想學說了解他的思想淵源。 第三章:韓非子人性思想探析,由於韓非子的政治哲學最大基石是人性的自利心,所以第三章將研究韓非子的人性論,釐清他的人性論之哲學意義,有助於瞭解他的政治觀之建立。 第四章:筆者嘗試從韓非子的「法」及「術」角度之探討,研究韓非子的政治視野及所主張之立場。 第五章為結論,總結韓非子人性與政治之研究,並與當下的社會產生對應。 關鍵字:韓非子 荀子 人性論 政治 法治 術治


韓非子 荀子 人性論 政治 法治 術治


The scope of this paper is based on the humanity of Hanfeizi and his political thoughts. The main object of study is Hanfeizi. I state from Hanfeizi's ideological origins , the background he was burn, and his idea about politics which are the Law, the Tactics, and the Ways, and study further into it in this paper. In addition, I also study Hanfeizi's view on " humanity " and discuss his "Human Nature " in the use of political thoughts. I research his understanding of human nature , assistant in the establishment of a political order , and reflecting the sense of reality . The paper is comprised as five chapters: The first chapter is an introduction about the structure of this paper, the motivation on this research and references. The second chapter is about his ideological origins. Hanfeizi is Legalists synthesizer. I mainly study the theoretical basis of his thoughts, and look into his understanding of the rule of law to learn about his ideological origins theory . The third chapter is about the research of Hanfeizi's humanity thoughts. Since the basis of his political philosophy is from human self-interest, I study the human nature of Hanfeizi, clarify the philosophical significance of his theory of human nature , and in helping to understand the establishment in his view of the political concept. In chapter fourth, I try to explore from Hanfeizi's angle of the "Law" and "Tactics", study his political vision and advocates. The fifth chapter is the conclusion summarizing the research of Hanfeizi's humanity and politics , and the correspondence with the current society.


Han Fei Zi Human Nature political law



