  • 學位論文


An Influence on Student’s Skill Discipline Test by the Teaching Strategy of Creative Problem Solving-A Case of Department of Electrical Engineering in Vocational High School

指導教授 : 張仁家


本研究以「創造性問題解決」(Creative Problem Solving, CPS)教學策略進行教學實驗研究,探討高職「配線實習」課程融入創造性問題解決教學策略對技能檢定學科學習成效之影響。本研究以臺北市某高級職業學校電機科一年級學生為對象,將班級分為實驗組與對照組,實驗組17人,控制組為14人。實驗組接受創造性問題解決教學策略,控制組則採傳統教學法;並實施8週16小時教學實驗。本研究共分為二部分:第一部分兩組學生實施「藏圖測驗」,以暸解兩班學生之個人認知風格型態,及實施自編成就測驗前測為共變項,瞭解學生在未實施實驗教學前問題解決能力的狀態後進行教學實驗,第二部分教學實驗結束後,兩組施以自編成就測驗後測、學習滿意度問卷與技能檢定學科測驗,依據研究目的及變項進行獨立樣本t檢定、相依樣本t檢定、單因子多變量共變數分析、皮爾遜績差相關等統計方法,探討創造性問題解決教學策略對技能檢定學習成效的影響。研究所得結論如下:1.創造性問題解決教學策略無法顯著提升學生技能檢定學科學習成效。2.自編成就測驗對學習成效具鑑別力。3.學生對創造性問題解決(CPS)教學學習滿意度偏高。


In this study, "creative problem solving" (Creative Problem Solving, CPS) teaching strategies teaching experimental study to explore the "wiring internship" vocational courses integrate creative problem solving skills, teaching strategies on learning outcomes of the test subjects. In this study, a vocational high school in Taipei Motor Division Grade 1 students as the object, the classes were divided into experimental group and control group, the experimental group and 17 in the control group of 14 people. The experimental group received teaching creative problem solving strategies, the control group adopted traditional methods; and implement 8 weeks 16 hours teaching experiment. The study is divided into two parts: The first part of the two groups of students implementing the "Hidden Figure Test," two classes of students in order to understand the individual cognitive style patterns, and prior to the implementation of self achievement test measured covariates, students learn not implemented before the experiment after experiment teaching teaching problem solving state, the second part of the teaching experiment, two groups impose self achievement test after test, learning satisfaction questionnaire and skill assessment test subjects, according to the research objectives and independent variables sample t-test, dependent sample t test, one-factor multivariate analysis of covariance, Pearson underperformance related statistical methods to explore the impact of teaching strategies creative problem solving skills test for learning outcomes. Institute have concluded as follows: (1) creative problem solving teaching strategies can not significantly improve students' academic skills test learning outcomes. (2) self learning achievement test results with discernment. (3) students in creative problem solving (CPS) teaching learning satisfaction high.


王精文、洪瑞雲、范凱棠、陸佳瑩(2006)。創造力訓練及群體決策支援系統對問題解決能力的影響,交大管理學報,26 (2),1-20。
