  • 學位論文

印尼爪哇傳統住屋Joglo house的類型學分析

Typology of Joglo house as Javanese traditional house in Indonesia

指導教授 : 王維周


印尼由數百個不同的原生種族和語言群體的。爪哇是印度尼西亞最大的和政治上佔主導地位的族群。一個共同的身份已經開發,由國家語言,民族多樣性和宗教多元化定義。 在印度尼西亞的原因有很多不同的文化。在印度尼西亞,不同的文化採取強有力的影響在其體系結構方面。今天,印尼有33個省,每個省都有傳統民居依賴於他們的文化和部落。 的Joglo房子爪哇人傳統的房子今天已經影響爪哇架構。三個在爪哇島五省用來申請的Joglo建築風格到他們的房屋建築。的Joglo的架構已被印尼歷史明顯影響。印尼豐富的自然資源已經引起外國人來作交易,以及在13世紀傳播宗教,如印度教,佛在2世紀和伊斯蘭教。它是那麼後跟三個半世紀的荷蘭殖民統治和三年半的日本殖民主義。這些歷史事件塑造了印尼作為一個整體,包括其體系結構。這也影響的Joglo的形狀和鼓勵學者識別和分類。基於Soetoprawiro理論,有七種不同類型的Joglo ,而Hamzuri發現了十二種不同的類型。每種類型都有其自身的特點取決於函數。其中有些是用作住宅房屋,而其他公共或制度建設。 由於其高昂的維修費用,今天的Joglo主要用於政府機關或公共建築的審美價值,而不是居住的房子。 的Joglo的類型學研究的意義是發現,以重建或翻新的Joglo房子作為爪哇社會的鄉土建築的Joglo的特點。 如今,的Joglo房子被承認為印尼的文化遺產被聯合國教科文組織。因此,它是有價值的發現和保護這種國際公認的文化遺產。隨著自然災害發生在印尼,的Joglo房子的一些建築已經被打破了。的Joglo的類型學研究發現希望可以恢復的Joglo的歷史價值和提供信息,考古學家或誰的研究人員希望進一步研究的Joglo的未來。


印尼爪哇 傳統住屋


Indonesia consists of hundreds of distinct native ethnic and linguistic groups. Javanese is the largest and politically dominant ethnic group in Indonesia. A shared identity has developed, defined by a national language, ethnic diversity, and religious pluralism. That cause in Indonesia has many different cultures. In Indonesia, different cultures take strong influences in its architecture aspect. Today Indonesia has 33 provinces which each province has traditional houses depend on their culture and tribe. Joglo house as the traditional house of Javanese people has influenced Javanese architecture today. Three of five provinces in Java Island used to apply joglo-style architecture into their house building. The architecture of joglo has been obviously influenced by Indonesian history. Indonesia’s plentiful natural resources have drawn foreigners to come for trading as well as spreading religions such as Hindu-Buddha in 2nd century and Islam in 13th century. It is then followed by three and a half centuries of Dutch colonialism and three and half years of Japanese colonialism. These historical events have shaped Indonesia as a whole, including its architecture. This also affects the shapes of Joglo and encourages scholars to identify and classify them. Based on Soetoprawiro theory, there seven different types of joglo while Hamzuri finds out twelve different types. Each type has its own characteristics depending on the function. Some of them are used as residential house while the other as public or institutional building. Due to its high maintenance cost, joglo today is mostly used for government office or public building with aesthetic value instead of residential house. The significance of the typology study of joglo is to discover the characteristics of joglo in order to reconstruct or renovate joglo house as the vernacular architecture of Javanese society. Today, joglo house is admitted as Indonesian’s cultural heritage by UNESCO. Therefore, it’s valuable to discover and preserve this internationally recognized cultural heritage. Following the natural disaster happen in Indonesia, some construction of joglo house have been broken down. The discovery of typology study of joglo hopefully can restore the historical value of joglo and provide information to archaeologists or researchers who wish to study joglo further in the future.


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