  • 學位論文


Design Techniques of Tourism Maps for Circuitous movement – A Case of Banqiao

指導教授 : 鄭孟淙


過去對於觀光客使用的觀光導覽地圖,多針對地圖的圖面設計或是圖示設計為主,對於觀光地圖能否有效影響觀光客在觀光區裡的活動,並無詳加設計。故本研究以板橋區為例,希望藉由觀察觀光客實際行走觀光區後的感受,找出影響觀光客回遊的因素,並針對發現的問題提出改善,提供未來作為觀光地圖設計的參考。研究觀察發現:1. 受測者在觀光地區中,時常需要暫時停留拿起地圖確認行進的方向以及目標位置。2. 觀光區內未設立告示牌告知景點位置或說明文字介紹。3. 觀光區內的人行道並沒有連貫起來。4. 觀光區中有部分路段的人行道上有垃圾或有阻礙物阻擋前進。5. 觀光區中道路指標和觀光指標,目前除了捷運站的出口外有大景點的指標外,其於小景點的指標並沒有標示。6.對於徒步觀光的遊客們來說,需要在地圖中加上觀光推薦路徑。經本研究實驗分析後得到的結果以及改善建議:1.有路線的地圖,使遊客們在當地有效的滯留並且對當地的空間認知建立有幫助。2.有路線的地圖減少受測者在觀光途中「暫時停留確認行進方向」、「與目標位置的次數」。3.觀光區內空間資訊的建立以及街道環境需發展得更完善。期望在導入重新規劃設計的元素後,可以促進人們在觀光區內移動更方便,提升回遊的效率,增進觀光效益。


觀光地圖 回遊行動 板橋


The past sightseeing maps for tourists mostly took emphasize on drawing designs or icon designs. Whether the sightseeing map helps tourists move around effectively is not being elaborately designed. Therefore, this research hopes to find the factors that influence the circuitous movement by observing the tourists after they visit the Banqiao tourist area in person. The factors become references for future improvement on the sightseeing map design. Observations from the research show that: 1. Subjects often need to stop to confirm their target’s location and the ongoing direction by consulting the map. 2. Neither location signs nor explanation boards are available in the tourist area. 3. The sidewalks in the tourist area aren't linked together. 4. Proceeding is difficult for parts of the sidewalk are obstructed by trash or other obstacles. 5. As for road signs or tourist signs in the tourist area, only metro exits provide signs that lead to bigger attractions; smaller attractions are without signs. 6. The map should include recommended tourist routes for those touring by foot. After analyzing our experiment results, suggestions are as follow: 1. Map with routes lets tourist linger in the tourist area longer and is helpful to develop a better sense of the local space. 2. Map with routes decreases the frequency of tourists stopping to check their ongoing direction or their destination along the way. 3. The establishment of spatial information and environment around sidewalk should be extensively developed. Hopefully, after considering the redesigned factors in map design, not only can tourists move more freely in the tourist area, but also promotes circuitous movements and tourism benefits.


tourism maps circuitous movement banqiao


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