  • 學位論文


Oral Health Related Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of Primary School Teachers and Nurses in Taiwan

指導教授 : 黃純德


背景: 近十年來,國內相關機構致力於促進兒童口腔保健之發展,學童的口腔健康狀況已獲得顯著的改善。但與WHO所設定的目標,2000年12歲兒童齲齒指數降至3以下,2010年12歲兒童之齲齒指數少於2的口腔保健目標之距離,仍有一段努力的空間。而除了家長之外,影響學童口腔衛生習慣主要是學校,學校是推動口腔保健活動的重要場所,而學校教師與校護的口腔衛生認知、態度與行為,將直接影響學童。本研究乃針對教師與校護之口腔衛生認知、態度與行為之探討,作為推動校園口腔保健計畫之參考。 研究目的: 主要目的為探討台灣地區國小教師、校護之口腔衛生知識、態度、行為現況及其與社會人口學、參與校園口腔保健計畫間之關係。 研究方法: 研究對象為服務於94年9月至95年底之台灣國小教師與校護,調查採分層多段集束抽樣調查(Stratified multi-stage cluster sampling),以教師為單位進行等比抽樣(PPS)問卷。共抽出267所學校,2,526份問卷,回收率86.68%。資料以JMP統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。 結果: 國小教師及校護口腔衛生知識平均總分為73.10分,主要影響因素為:擔任職務(是否教健康教育課程、是否擔任校護)、瞭解是否為健康促進學校、瞭解是否參加含氟漱口水計畫、瞭解學生中午是否有餐後潔牙等。口腔衛生態度平均總分為77.83,主要影響因素為擔任職務(是否教健康教育課程、是否擔任校護),而校護明顯優於教師。在行為方面:有65%教師及校護一天刷牙次數三次(含)以上,使用貝氏刷牙法佔53.13%,有定期看牙醫者習慣者佔53.68%。校護不論在知識、態度、行為均優於教師。口腔知識、態度、行為三者間呈正相關。 結論: 校護應發揮其護理專業優勢,執行口腔衛生推廣活動,並協助教師配合學校推行有關口腔保健活動。口腔健康促進學校、含氟漱口水計畫、中午餐後潔牙者等口腔衛生推廣活動應持續擴大辦理,並整合地區相關牙醫師資源、訓練口腔專職人員為學校教師及校護開辦相關課程及研討會。此外,除了加強教育教師、校護之氟化物常識,並可以借重學校教師、校護進行餐後潔牙、含氟漱


口腔衛生知識 態度 行為 學校教師 校護


Background: For the past 10 years, Taiwan has been encouraging organizations to promote children’s oral hygiene programs and thus children’s oral condition has been greatly improved. However, we still have not met the goals set by the World Health Organization (WHO). The goal in year 2000 was for the cavitations ratio of 12-year-old children to be below 3, by the year 2010, the cavitations ratio needs to be below 2. Therefore, it is necessary to continue school oral hygiene programs in order to achieve this goal. After their parents, the main influence on students' oral hygiene habits is school. Thus school is an important place to promote oral hygiene activities. The knowledge, attitude and practice of school teachers and nurses will have a direct influence on students. This research focused on the oral health related knowledge, attitude and practice of school teachers and nurses, so that it can serve as a reference to promoting school oral hygiene programs. Objective: The main purpose of this study was to research the status of primary school teachers’ and school nurses’ oral health related knowledge, attitude, practice and the relationship between school oral hygiene programs and the social demographic status Method: The target of this study was to research the oral hygiene for school teachers and school nurses from September 2005 to December 2006.The research applied stratified multi-stage cluster sampling method, using the teachers as the Probabilities proportional to size (PPS) and proceeding with questionnaires. There were 267 schools and 2,526 questionnaires in total, with a 86.68% return rate. The collected data was processed and analyzed by statistical software JMP. Results: The mean score of primary school teachers’ and nurses’ oral health related knowledge was 73.10. We surveyed several schools and awarded a score out of 100 based on the following criteria ( 15 questions concerning change the oral anatomy ,pathology prevention and fluoride use).The main factors to influence the score are : the position in the schools( the school teachers and school nurses who taught the health education curriculum or not), knowing the school was a health promoting school or not, and knowing the schools attended the fluoride mouth rinse programs or not, knowing the school participated in brushing teeth programs after lunch or not. The mean score of the oral hygiene related attitude was 77.83. The mean attitude score was statistically significantly associated with the position in the schools (the school teachers and school nurses who taught the health education curriculum or not), and the mean attitude score of the school nurses is better than faculty. The mean score of the primary school teachers’ and nurses’ oral health related practice were: (1) 65% of faculty and nurses bushed their teeth 3 times a day. (2) 52.13% of them brushed their teeth by Bass Method. (3) 53.68% of the faculty and school nurses visited a dentist routinely. The school nurses’ knowledge, attitude, and practice of oral health are better than the faculty. The oral knowledge, attitude and practice are all related to one another. Conclusion: School nurses should use their advantage of profession to promote oral hygiene activities, and assist teachers to promote and cooperate with school oral hygiene programs. In order to emphasize and improve oral hygiene , the schools themselves need to have a fluoride mouth wash program. Also provide students with after lunch teeth cleaner or provide schools with activities based on oral health. In the mean time, schools can also organize the local dentists’ assistants and trained professionals to give faculty and school nurses oral health related sessions and meetings. Therefore, to improve the health knowledge and understanding of chemical fluoride of the faculty and school nurses’ to carry out school oral health programs, such as brushing teeth after every meals, and using fluoride mouth wash by the faculty and nurses is the goal of this study.


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