  • 學位論文

工作壓力、心理資本對個人工作敬業心與心理福祉影響之探討 —以呼吸治療師為例

The effects of job stress, psychological capital on work engagement, and psychological well-being among respiratory therapists

指導教授 : 李金德


目的:健康照護機構醫療人員在醫療品質方面扮演非常重要的角色,其工作態度與行為會影響到病人的服務品質,而不同類型的工作壓力與對其工作態度、行為表現與健康具有顯著要的影響。本研究藉由挑戰性-障礙性壓力及正向心理學的觀點,探討挑戰性、障礙性兩種不同性質工作壓力、個人心理資本對人員工作敬業心、心理福祉的可能影響,希望藉由本研究之結果,能更完整的解讀職場中工作壓力與個人重要特質,對個人工作態度(例如工作敬業心)、身心健康(例如心理健康、情緒耗竭)的影響。 方法:本研究採便利取樣、結構性問卷調查方式蒐集研究所需之資料。以呼吸治療師為樣本共,計回收有效樣本235份。採用描述統計分析、皮爾森相關分析及層級迴歸分析進行人口統計變項、挑戰性-障礙性壓力及其他研究變數間關係的探討。 結果:挑戰性壓力對心理福祉具負向影響,一方面會導致情緒耗竭上升(β= .339, p<.001),另一方面會造成心理健康的降低(β= -.233, p<.01),但對工作敬業心未具顯著影響。障礙性壓力對心理福祉具負向影響,一方面會導致情緒耗竭上升(β= .255, p<.01),另一方面會造成心理健康的降低(β= -.355, p<.001),但對工作敬業心未具顯著影響。心理資本對心理福祉具正向影響,一方面能降低情緒耗竭 (β= -.310, p<.001),另一方面能增進心理健康(β= .659, p<.001);此外,心理福祉亦對工作敬業均具正向影響(β= .622,p<.001)。 結論:首先,挑戰性壓力、障礙性壓力對工作敬業心均未具顯著影響,與依據相關研究及文獻所建立之推論、假設不符。其可能解釋在於呼吸治療師專業影響工作敬業心的重要因素,並非工作壓力而是專業使命感、主管人員領導風格等。其次,本研究驗證結果支持過去壓力研究文獻有關壓力與張力關係之論敘,即當個人知覺工作壓力時,不論其為挑戰性壓力或障礙性壓力,都會導致個人的張力。第三,個人心理資本在增進工作敬業心與維護個人心理福祉方面具有重要的意涵,當個人具有較高的心理資本,會對工作具有較高的工作敬業心,也能降低情緒耗竭、增進心理的健康。實務方面對組織與個人之建議,第一、降低工作壓力,以維護個人心理福祉;第二、強化個人心理資本,增進敬業心與心理福祉。


Objective:Workplace stress has received considerable research attention in recent years, largely due to the consequences it can have for both employees and organizations. According to the view of challenge-hindrance stress, different types of stress are differentially associated with attitude and behavioral responses. The present research aims to explore the effects of challenge stress, hindrance stress, and psychological capital on work engagement and psychological well-being. The results should be beneficial to organizations and individuals to improve work performance and health. Methods:Research data collected from 235 respiratory therapists of hospitals in Taiwan. Hierarchical multiple regression analysis was the principal technique of data analysis used to examine the Hypotheses of this study. Results:Challenge stress has positive influence on emotional exhaustion (β= .339, p<.001), has negative influence on emotional health (β= -.233, p<.01), and has no influence no influence on work engagement. Hindrance stress has positive influence on emotional exhaustion (β= .255, p<.01), has negative influence on emotional health (β= -.355, p<.001), and has no influence no influence on work engagement. Psychological capital has negative influence on emotional exhaustion (β= -.310, p<.001), has positive influence on emotional health (β= .659, p<.001), and has positive influence on work engagement (β= .622,p<.001). Conclusions:The results of this study support that challenge and hindrance stress have similar effects on worker’s psychological well-being, and individual’s psychological capital has positive relations with desirable work attitude and health. The present study confirmed that both challenge and hindrance stress are the stimuli which induce the stress process and the forms of emotional exhaustion and decreasing of psychological health, i.e. increasing either challenge or hindrance stress will result in exhaustion. And, individual with higher psychological capital show positive relation with well-being. The present research reveals the role of positive attribute in maintaining the psychological well-being among respiratory therapists. Practical implications and suggestions are discussed.


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