  • 學位論文


Training repetitions and resistance characteristics of hydraulic resistance circuit exercise for the community silver-haired people

指導教授 : 郭藍遠


背景目的:面對銀髮族逐漸老化問題,改變生活型態與增加活動量可降低身體退化速度,利用肌力和阻力訓練來改善老年人肌肉適能是快速有效的方式。本研究為探討油壓式環狀運動對社區銀髮族身體組成、體適能的影響,以及訓練過程中受試者於各器材阻力與反覆運動次數的變化,所得數據可供阻力訓練處方設立參考,訓練成效可做為未來個人化訓練發展的依據。 研究方法:本研究徵招26位(年齡68.1± 2.9歲)社區健康銀髮族,所有受試者進行,八種不同油壓式阻力訓練機排成環狀搭配原地踏步動作,組合成油壓式環狀運動訓練,每週兩次,每次30分鐘,為期八週。各項器材前後測以運動自覺量表選擇器材阻力強度,使用兩階段阻力訓練,第一階段依前測阻力設定器材各別阻力強度,第二階段調高各器材阻力強度,比較兩階段不同阻力強度效果,器材操作次數皆採人工方式計數。活動前後進行功能性體適能及身體組成檢測,檢測後數據使用配對檢定(Paired t-test)進行比較及使用線性統計回推估計值。 結果:身體組成皆未有顯著差異,30秒坐站測驗、8英呎起身繞行測驗、4公尺走路測驗皆達顯著差異(p<.05)。各單項器材30秒重覆運動次數前後測均有顯著差異(p<.05)。 結論:油壓式環狀運動對下肢肌力、柔軟度、動態平衡等對銀髮族部份功能性體適能有幫助,同時不同的器材阻力有助於肌力訓練。


BACKGROUND and OBJECTIVES: To cope with the aging issue of the silver-haired people, changing the lifestyle and increasing the activity could slow down the speed of body degeneration. Performing muscle strength and resistance training to improve muscle fitness in the elderly is a fast and effective way. This study explored the impact of hydraulic resistance circuit exercise on the body composition and physical fitness of the communal seniors. The obtained data can be used as a reference for resistance training prescriptions, and the training results can be used as the developmental basis for a future personalized training program. METHODS: This study recruited 26 healthy (including ages 68.1 ± 2.9 years) community health silver-haired people. All participants underwent a 30-minute training program, which includes eight different exercises on hydraulic resistance training machines that arranged in a ring, twice a week for eight weeks. The resistance intensity of the equipment for pre and post-training test was self-selected as per a sports consciousness scale. A two-stage training design was used. The resistance intensity for the first-stage was according to the pre-training test result. In the second stage, the resistance intensity of each equipment is increased, and the two-stage different resistance strength effects are compared at the end. The numbers of repetition for each exercise were manually counted. Functional fitness and body composition testing were performed and compared before and after the training. The post-test data were compared using paired-t-tests and linear regressions were perform to estimates future training amounts. RESULTS: There were no significant differences in body composition. All functional fitness test, including the 30-second sit-up test, the 8-mile walk-around test, and the 4-meter walk test, showed significant differences before and after training. There are significant differences in the 30-second repetitions of each hydraulic resistance exercise before and after training. CONCLUSION: Hydraulic resistance circuit exercise can help some of the functional fitness of the Elders, such as muscle strength, softness and dynamic balance of the lower limbs. At the same time, different equipment resistance can help muscle strength training.


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