  • 學位論文


The study of ECC knowledge, attitude for parents in HsinChu city.

指導教授 : 陳弘森


背景: 依據台灣國民健康屬民國100年調查報告顯示,台灣5-6歲兒童deft指數為5.44,齲齒盛行率為79.32%,可見幼兒齲齒是目前國內兒童最主要的疾病之一,父母親及學者不得不重視兒童之口腔健康。 目的:了解新竹地區0-6歲幼兒的口腔健康狀況及影響早發性幼兒齲齒盛行率之重要因素,探討幼兒的飲食習慣、口腔清潔習慣及家長對幼兒早發性齲齒的知識與態度與早發性幼兒齲齒之關係。 方法: 研究對象為新竹地區幼兒園與托嬰中心內0-6歲學齡前兒童,共抽樣350人,實際完成人數 312人,完成率為89.14%。以學齡前兒童口腔健康檢查及問卷來進行幼兒的飲食習慣、口腔清潔習慣及照顧者對幼兒口腔保健的知識與態度等資料的收集。將收集的資料編碼以SPSS建立資料庫後,以t-檢定及ANOVA進行統計分析。 結果: 齲齒數為0.92±1.93,缺牙數為0.06±0.27,已填補數為1.08±2.07,deft 指數為 2.08±2.94,早發性幼兒齲齒盛行率為(32%),早發性幼兒齲齒填補率為(53%)。deft 指數在幼兒年齡、父母親教育程度、幼兒進食速度、含著乳製品睡著的頻率、幼兒潔牙執行者及父母親對幼兒口腔保健的知識與態度得分在統計學上均呈現顯著性差異。 結論: 本研究發現口腔保健的知識與態度越低、幼兒進食時間較長者、常含著乳製品及奶瓶睡覺者、喜愛吃甜食及喝含糖飲品頻率高者、刷牙次數低者及無使用氟化物者均有較高的deft 指數及早發性幼兒齲齒盛行率。宣導正確的餵食習慣、幼兒的口腔清潔方式及每半年一次六歲以下之幼兒免費塗氟,以改善早發性幼兒齲齒的問題。


Background: According to the Taiwan National Health Promotion Administration in 2011 survey, Taiwan 5-6 year-old children deft index was 5.44 , the prevalence rate of dental caries in 5 to 6 years old children was 79.32%.Therefore, early childhood caries is currently the most important disease of children , parents and pediatric dentistry academics have to pay attention on children 's oral health. The purpose: The aim of this study were to assess the oral health status and find out the risk factors of caries of children in Hsinchu city who under 6 years-old children, and to evaluate the relationship between the oral hygiene behavior, eating habit and parents knowledge, attitudes of dental caries. Method: This research survey samples collection focused on preschool children aged from 0 to 6 in Hsinchu city. The sample number were 350 children,312 children had completely surveyed, the respond rate were 89.14%.Collected data from oral health inspection、 food intake、 tooth brush and parents oral hygiene knowledge and attitude were include. All data were coded by SPSS 19.0, and used T-test and ANOVA to analyzed. Results: The number of caries was 0.92±1.93,deft index was 2.08±2.9, early childhood caries prevalence was 32% and the filling rate was 53%。The deft index was statistically significantly different by age, parental education, speed of eating, sleeping with baby’s bottle, children cleaning teeth performer and parent’s oral health knowledge and attitude scores Conclusions: This study found that preschool children’s deft index increased progressively by lower parental oral health knowledge and attitudes, feeding time is longer, often sleeping with baby’s bottle and who like to eat sweets and sugary drinks, lower frequency of brush teeth and without the use of fluoride. Advocacy correct feeding habits, oral hygiene methods and children under five years old children free of fluoride to improve early childhood caries early-onset problems.Advocacy correct feeding habits, oral hygiene care and children under five years old have free of fluoride application twice a year to decrease early childhood caries problems.


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