  • 學位論文


The Research of Kuriyama Shunichi, an Architect in Taiwan during the Japanese Colonial Period

指導教授 : 黃士娟


日治時期將近半世紀的時間,臺灣由日人統御並且開發加以建設,訂定規範,時至今日對於這塊土地的整體影響可謂相當廣泛。在這近五十年間,出現了不少日人建築家,他們設計的建築作品,發表的文獻內容,對於臺灣這塊土地的影響甚鉅,不可磨滅其貢獻以及付出的心力,有其研究的必要性。 臺灣總督府技師栗山俊一於1919(T8)年來臺,身兼總督府營繕課技師、交通局遞信部、鐵道部等技師。時至1933(S8)年回國,在臺歷時長達十四年之久。現下對於栗山俊一之相關研究並無過多著墨,其官方文獻作品亦僅僅只有臺北郵局、臺北放送局演奏所(二二八紀念館)、新竹有樂館(新竹市影像博物館),這不禁令人懷疑是否上有更多的作品出自於栗山俊一技師之手? 與同時期在臺灣的建築家相比,栗山俊一最大的特點是他具備了多方面的專長,除了設計建築之外,他還研究歐美建築趨勢,防治白蟻腐蝕木材的方法、鋼筋混凝土結構力學、夏天室內溫度調節,甚至撰寫建築史論與推動古蹟建築的保存方法。 環顧日治時期在臺灣的日本建築家,栗山俊一的作品所代表的意義是多元的,身為昭和時期掌握臺灣建築方向的舵手,具有官方政策代言人及意識型態指標的地位。而在建築史學的方面,他對於熱蘭遮城及劉銘傳衙署的考證,皆屬拓荒期的貢獻,故栗山俊一在臺灣建築歷史上的角色定位仍應受到更多的重視。 本研究探討臺灣日治時期建築家栗山俊一,釐清其在臺灣建築歷史發展歷程中的關係與扮演的角色,以闡明其對於日治時期臺灣建築史上的定位與發展過程的影響;並且提供後續相關研究者之基礎參考資料為此研究期許目標。


Taiwan imperially develops by the Japanese govern the construction, schedule thestandard nearly half century times, the whole influence was quite widely at this point it may be said. Between this near 50 years, it appeared many Japanese architects.They designed the construction work, published literature content, and the whole influence was quite great for Taiwan. It is necessary that study the Japanese's indelible contribution and effort. The Japanese architect, Kuriyama Shunichi came to Taiwan in 1919 until 1933 back to Japan, for 14 years, as the architect in building, traffic, and railroad three department of the Presidential Office. There are fewer researches about his official works in literature now, Taipei Post Office, TAIPEI 228 MEMORIAL MUSEUM, and Image Museum of Hsinchu City. And may we doubt if more works built by Kuriyama Shunichi? Comparing to the architects in the same period in Taiwan, Kuriyama Shunichi's best feature was that he had a wide range of expertise. Besides design architecture, he also studied architectural trends in Europe and America, Termite-Preventing method of wood structure, the mechanics of reinforced concrete structure, temperature adjusting indoor in summer condition, even wrote history of architecture and method for promoting the preservation of monuments and architecture. It is multiple meaning that looking around the Japanese architect, Kuriyama Shunichi's work in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period, as the Showa period to helm the direction of architecture in Taiwan, an official spokesman and policy indicators of the status of ideology. For Zeelandia and Liu Ming-chuan Government Office's research, his contributions were the pioneers, so that he might be noticed more to the role of the architecture history in Taiwan. The research clarified to the role of architect, Kuriyama Shunichi, for understanding the efforts and development in Taiwan during the Japanese colonial period, and provides the basic data of reference for the following research.




蕭麗鳳(2006)。中西方醫學對婦女產後之保健觀念的比較研究 - 對中藥醫學未來行銷發展的展望〔碩士論文,淡江大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6846/TKU.2006.00268
