  • 學位論文


Assertive you (有) in Taiwan Mandarin: The Syntax-Pragmatics Interface

指導教授 : 蔡維天


長年以來台灣華語「有」的語法性質一直頗受學界關注,研究成果相當豐碩。然而文獻上普遍認為台灣華語中「斷定有」僅存在於否定句式,對其語用限制仍未深入探討。因此本文主要試論證台灣華語中存在「斷定有」肯定句式,而其中又分為兩種斷定:念力相關斷定、命題真值斷定。以製圖理論觀點,念力相關斷定為較高的投射與左緣結構產生聯繫,語用上必須搭配適當語境、語氣。而命題真值斷定為較低投射與上層的語行、念力無關,僅是命題的真值判斷。經過句法測試,除了典型斷定有句型外,有與時態互動的句式也應屬於命題的真值判斷。此外,本文將「近似有」這類句型納入斷定的討論範圍,試論證「近似有」屬於命題真值斷定,近似的語義是由隱性的「夠」所帶出來。我們同時發現「夠」為顯性例子證明先前的假定是可能的。 此外,本文討論與閩南語接觸下的新興用法,如:有夠、有給他、有…到。皆與句子上層有聯繫,其中有夠為程度副詞,位於句子上層影響句式錨定,因此有夠句式為帶有抱怨、感嘆的驚嘆句。另外兩類句式則為念力相關斷定。


Properties of yǒu sentences has long been discussed, while assertive yǒu seems to be less noticed. Previously, most research showed that there’s only negation form of assertive yǒu in Taiwan Mandarin (TM). But, we try to demonstrate that there’s affirmatives assertive yǒu in TM. And, with cartography approach, we propose that there are two projections of AssertionP: force-related and verum AssertionP. Force-related AssertionP is the higher projection, which connects to the left periphery. Therefore, grammaticality of force-related AssertionP depends on pragmatic factor, such as discourses and intonation. As for verum AssertionP, it is unrelated with Speech-act and force. It’s the assertion of proposition’s truth value. In addition to typical assertive yǒu , we speculate that yǒu with aspect sentence is also verum AssertionP. And, approximative yǒu is also in this category. Approximative meaning may be from the covert gòu ‘enough’, not the property of yǒu. The hypothesis of covert gòu may be on the right track, because we find data with overt gòu. The thesis also investigates contact-induced usages, such as yǒu gòu, yǒu gěi tā, yǒu…dào. These sentences are all related with force. The latter two belong to force-related AssertionP. And, yǒu gòu as a degree adverb projects on AttitudeP, which is related with clause typing. Thus, yǒu gòu sentences are exclamatives involving complaint and surprise.


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