  • 學位論文


Applicative constructions in Taiwan Southern Min

指導教授 : 蔡維天


本篇文章探討國語、閩南語的蒙受結構(affective construction)。國語的蒙受結構分為以「給」字帶出蒙受受詞的「有標蒙受結構」(Overt Affective Construction),以及沒有詞彙標記的「無標蒙受結構」(Covert Affective construction)。反觀閩南語,無標蒙受句出現的環境則相對較為受限。 我們將進一步觀察、分析國語、閩南語蒙受結構的異同。蒙受結構之所以引人注目,在於這類句式都藉助蒙受結構(Applicative constructions)之力,帶出動詞固有論元之外的衍生論元(extra argument)。國語顯性、隱性蒙受結構,以TP, vP, VP為界,分為四個階層─外高階、內高階、中階,以及低階。外高階、內高階以顯性的「給」作為中心語,構成有標的、顯性蒙受結構;隱性蒙受結構則隸屬中低階蒙受(Tsai 2007)。閩南語蒙受結構以顯性為主;隱性所出現的語境則相對非常受限,因此其句式形態、蒙受結構的高低層次並未與國語完全對應。閩南語顯性蒙受「Ka」字句具同時出現於高階、中階蒙受。此外,由於閩南語蒙受結構以顯性為主,因此,閩南語裡不見典型的低階蒙受結構。 整體而言,閩南語與國語的異同體現了蒙受結構的特性,也同時展現了方言的特色。蒙受結構的高低與蒙受詞有標、無標的差異關鍵性的影響了語意分析,而閩南語較國語更具「分析性」(analytic)的特質使閩南語的蒙受多以有標形式呈現,因此就蒙受結構的階層而論,閩南語蒙受結構以高階、中階為主,則是體現了方言特色。




Most languages have a strategy of taking an indirect object to the argument structure of a verb. Bantu languages are widely attested on this phenomenon. The extra arguments are called applied arguments to the applicative constructions, which is the terminology that is used for constructions with additional indirect objects cross-linguistically. This paper aims to specify the issue on identifying the applicative constructions in Mandarin and Southern Min respectively. According to Marantz’s (1993) observation of Bantu languages, we assume that sentences with affected arguments in Mandarin and Southern Min are applicative constructions with a covert, or overt applicative marker, gei in Mandarin Chinese; ka in Southern Min. The verb Gei “give” in Mandarin Chinese and “ka" in Southern Min synchronically functions as applicative head in different constructions licensing an oblique, or non-core, argument which would not be considered a part of the verb’s argument structure. The different behaviors of these markers are associated with different the argument it combines with, and the structure of the sentence it occurs. In Mandarin Chinese, there are both marked and unmarked applicative constructions from which High, Mid and Low applicative constructions are introduced. On the other hand, in Southern Min, due to the lack of implicit applicative head, there is only marked applicative construction from which High and Mid applicative structures are represented.


applicative construction


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