  • 學位論文


A Study of Gaming Notebook Market Strategy and Organizational Change - A Case Study of M Company

指導教授 : 余士迪 蔡子晧


回顧台灣電子業的歷史,從1980年前總統府資政李國鼎、前行政院孫運璿設立新竹科學園區發展半導體種下了台灣電子代工的種子,接連帶起後續宏碁、華碩、鴻海等電子五哥的崛起,至2017年資訊半導體等電子產業已占整體出口比49.3%以上,但台灣是由電子零組件代工起家,始終在終端品牌行銷上仍跟不上國外品牌,導致電子代工利潤總是毛三到四,經營得非常辛苦。   因此對於台灣電子產業面對成熟期的市場,為了提升品牌價值以及獲利,建立品牌是台灣電子業最重要的出路;所以本個案針對一家原本在電子零組件產業式微的M公司,面臨成熟且飽和衰退的市場,如何以差異焦點化策略以及組織變革突破困境,順利轉型為電競領域Top 1,最後結論針對M公司在該產業未來所面臨的問題與發展的機會給予建議。 關鍵詞: 電競筆電、組織變革、五力分析、價值鏈、策略行銷、商業模式、個案研究


Reviewing the Electronic industry history in Taiwan, it was seeding-root at Electronic OEM which established by Ex-Presidential Senior Minister Li Kwoh-Ting and Ex-government Chief Executive Sun Yun-Suan from Semiconductor development in Hsin Chu Science Park. This foundation has risen up the 5 electronic giants: ASUS, Acer, Compal, Quanta, and Foxconn. In 2017, the Semiconductor electronic Industries have accounted for more than 49.3% of the total exports in Taiwan; however, this Electronic Components OEM oriented model were lack of the product brand recognition with oversea companies. Also, this business model can not contributed a reasonable profit by customers cost saving strategies, which made the OEM providers having difficulty to survive. As a result of seeking brand value and profits for the mature Electronic industry and the private brands establish, will be the one-way solution for Taiwan electronic industries. This case study was representing an M company who was suffered from the market saturation of the OEM decline. Instead, it has performed a product differentiation strategy and organization reform from the bottom to the top in Gaming Industries. Last but not least, I will illustrate the future risks and opportunities for this M company and provide personal advice and counsel to sum up the conclusion. Key words: Gaming Notebook、Organizational Change、Five force analysis、Value Chain、Strategic Marketing、Business Model、Case Study


[1] 龍騰微笑競賽。網址: http://www.acerfoundation.org.tw/longterm/2011/in-all-background.html
[2] 電腦及週邊設備產業鏈簡介,產業價值鏈資訊平台。
[3] TrendForce: 2017年全球筆記型電腦市占率。
