  • 學位論文


Strategies for Developing 3D Sensing Supply Business: The Case of Company T

指導教授 : 李傳楷


隨著時代的進步,自動化需求在各個產業也相對提高,而3D感測的角色也愈趨重要,根據研調機構Zuion Research預估3D感測市場2011~2022年複合年均增長率CAGR(Compound Annual Growth Rate) 為37%。在預期快速成長的市場中,勢必吸引越來越多供應商的投入,而在彼此競爭的過程中,如何發揮企業的競爭優勢與企業資源與策略的有效運用,將會決定未來市場排名。 本研究將探討目前3D感測的技術及市場概況,並引用波特的五力分析模型及競爭策略模型來分析目前所任職公司對於該技術特別是飛時測距ToF(Time of Flight)產品的策略應用及所處優勢,並研究目標市場應用及未來成長策略等議題。 技術領先是建立進入門檻避免新競爭者進入產業構成威脅的方法之一,也是公司目前具有的競爭優勢,未來將以此核心能力為基礎,輔以聚焦差異化的策略,作為公司永續經營的策略方針。


3D感測 五力分析 競爭策略 ToF


Technology advancement over the time has led to the increased demand for automation in various industries. 3D sensing technology has become more important. A research performed by Zuion Research has estimated that the compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 3D sensing market to be 37% between year 2011 to 2022. With this fast growing market, many suppliers are expected to invest in the technology. However the utilization of resources and business strategy shall determine the ranking of the players in the market. This research will study the existing 3D sensing technology and market situation, by utilizing Porter's five forces analysis, of which the business strategies and ToF products of various suppliers were analyzed, along with current market application and future growth. By leading in technology is a step to stay ahead in the market and hence create a threat to other new competitors, it also place the company at a competitive position. The positioning will be the foundation of its core capability, followed by focusing on the differentiation strategy, and serves as the organization’s long term business strategy.


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