  • 學位論文

領導型態、組織氣候與學習型組織關係之研究 —以餐飲服務產業為例

The Relationship among the Leadership、Organizational Climate and Learning Organizational : The Case of Restaurant in Taiwan

指導教授 : 林哲群


近三年台灣餐飲興起掛牌上市風潮,王品集團、85度C、瓦城,甚至是手搖飲料日出茶太等,也紛紛導入連鎖體系並且快速擴張經營,在沒有足夠的先例與路徑可以依循的情況下,本研究者將其視為研究對象,以對此行業發展提供微薄貢獻。 本研究基於上市餐飲服務業的領導者型態、領導風格會如何影響組織的氣候,再進而影響學習型組織的建立為研究思路,而何種領導風格去建立一個充滿知識與學習的環境進而讓員工可以全心投入,使員工個人目標與組織目標一致並為組織貢獻為本研究期待的研究結果。 本研究使用問卷分析法進行研究,並且選擇台灣成功餐飲集團且不分海內外的上市公司作為問卷調查對象,研究結果得出四個結論: 1. 領導型態會對學習型組織產生正向的影響:研究結果主管柔性領導與以身作則是普遍員工喜愛和重視的事,組織因而在上述的領導中,創造出鼓勵學習的環境。 2. 領導型態會對組織氣候產生正向的影響:不論是柔性領導或強勢領導,員工都在意制度是否清楚、以及責任是否明確。由於員工普遍認為組織內部是柔性領導,因此組織的氣候是愉悅氣氛。 3. 組織氣候會對學習型組織產生正向的影響:填答者認為組織總體擁有愉悅氣氛並鼓勵學習,由此可以判斷此餐飲集團非常的趨近學習型組織應有的型態。 4. 領導型態、組織氣候與學習型組織之三者關係—組織氣候的中介效果:從研究結果中的得出,領導型態顯著影響學習型組織,同時領導型態也會透過組織氣候而對於學習型組織產生影響。 關鍵字:領導型態、組織氣候、學習型組織


Abstract Over the past three years, the food and beverage industry in Taiwan has been increasingly caught up in the trend of going public. One by one, enterprises such as Wowprime, 85°C, Thai Town, and even the beverage store, Chatime, have launched franchise systems to rapidly expand their operations. Lacking sufficient precedent or models on which to rely, the author attempts to focus on this research topic to provide a modest contribution to the development of this industry. This study examines how the patterns and styles of leadership within listed companies of the food and beverage industry influence the overall atmosphere of an organization and its impact on the establishment of a learning organization. What kind of leadership style helps foster an environment of knowledge and learning, which in turn encourages the devotion of employees? This study seeks to contribute by finding the best way to align the objectives of an organization with the personal goals of its employees.This study implements a survey analysis for its research. Furthermore, successful Taiwanese restaurant groups publicly listed in either a domestic or international exchange were selected to serve as the respondents. The results obtained lead to four conclusions: 1. Leadership style positively impacts a learning organization: The results suggest that a flexible style of leadership by a supervisor, as well as the act of leading by example are traits generally loved and valued by staff. By following the leadership style mentioned above, organizations can create an encouraging learning environment. 2. Leadership style positively impacts organizational climate. Regardless of whether the leadership style is flexible or stiff, employees are concerned about the clarity of the system and the definition of responsibilities. When employees generally consider an organization to show flexible leadership, the organizational climate is also more pleasant. 3. Organizational climate positively impacts the learning organization. When respondents consider the overall organization to have a pleasant atmosphere, this encourages the level of learning as well. From this, it can be determined that restaurant groups are very close to the proper form of a leaning organization. 4. The overall relationship amongst leadership style, organizational climate, and learning organization provides a mediating effect on the organizational climate. When considering the impact that both leadership style and organizational climate have on a learning organization, it is apparent that leadership style has a significant impact on a learning organization. Thus, leadership style impacts a learning organization through the organizational climate. Keywords: Leadership Style, Organizational Climate, Learning Organization


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