  • 學位論文


An application of Patent Analysis to the Electronic Commerce Software Patent.

指導教授 : 劉尚志 皮世明 劉士豪


各國隨著資訊與網路科技的進步,以及網際網路(Internet)和全球資訊網(World Wide Web, WWW)之普遍性應用,資訊科技以及網路商業化已是一股不可抵擋的事業潮流。由於網路的應用可超越國界、且不受限於時間之區隔,並無企業規模、投資資本之限制,因此,世紀網路新貴已是青年們追逐之夢想,也使得電子商務成為國際商務主流之一,更有多數企業摒棄傳統商務行銷模式,利用網電子商務科技技術快速傳遞商務資訊,達全球化之國際行消,讓網路行銷機制列入企業行銷必備重點項目之一。有鑑於此,本研究對於E-Business世紀裏,軟體科技技術發展狀況,以及世界技術潮流趨勢演變與此新貴市場主要公司之技術發展探討,秉持知己知彼,百戰百勝之觀念,提供我國企業進入電子商務之重要參考資訊。 並由此借鏡,建議企業在投入追求電子商務應用的同時,應思考如何藉由專利鞏固自身的地位,以及事前精密規劃,未雨綢繆地搶先申請專利,以防止對手作為攻擊的籌碼,且可經由事先縝密之專利佈署,搶進市場先機,進而對追隨對手發展的秘密武器,或與現存競爭者進行合作交互授權,均關係著企業可以獲取利益、永續經營之重要條件。 本論文研究以現行美國電子商務軟體專利進行深入解析,利用連穎科技股份有限公司發展之「PatentGuider─專利領航員」與「PatentTech─專利技術分析」軟體進行分析,以探測整個技術發展狀況,避免誤闖地雷地區,更能發覺利基私處,將有助於我國企業之競爭能力, 關鍵詞:電子商務、專利管理、專利分析、專利地圖、智慧財產權


With the rapid evolution of information and network technology and the wide spread utilization of the Internet and Word Wide Web, the information technology and the commercialization of the modern enterprise have already become an unstoppable trend for the business in all kind of field. Beyond the barrier of countries, without the limitation of the time difference and constrains of specific scale of business and the amount of the investment, becoming the novel of networking era has already become a dream which the elites keen to pursue. In addition, these also make e-commerce develop into one main stream of international businesses. Instead of using the traditional business model, many enterprises become global marketing not only by adapting the power of e-commerce and information technology to exchange and business, cash and information flows but also making the mechanism of networking marketing become one of the most important topics of business marketing. As a result, this study focuses the software technology development, the word technology evolution and the technologies of development of the main players in this market in the E-Business age and provides a relevant reference for the business in Taiwan bases on the insight and foreseeing perspective of the threaten and advantage of current situation and proposes that when introducing the application of E-Business, the business should make a deep thinking how to use patent to consolidate its strengths and apply patent with the well foreseeing planning. Make it as a vital resource to prevent the attack from the competitors and get the advantage of the time to market by the deployment in advanced. Further more, it can be a secret weapon to attack the followers or be come a key property of cross license, all of these are key criteria of the way to make business gain profit and the keeping going. This study is based on research of the current patents of America E-Businesses by using the PatentGuider and PatentTech from the LearningTech Corp and analysis the whole technologies development not merely prevents going to the patent-mine area but also discovers the new niche to leverage the competence of our business. Keyword: E-Business, Patent Management, Patent Analysis, Patent Map, Intellectual Property.


E-commerce Patent analysis


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