  • 學位論文


Taiwan network fair price clothing brand homepage design essential factor discussion

指導教授 : 黃文宗 張若菡


網路購物成為潮流與趨勢,好的網站要成為企業主與網路瀏覽者的溝通平台,有其成功要件,身為網頁設計者必須瞭解網頁的設計原則與視覺構成條件。 本研究以台灣網路平價服飾成功的品牌Lativ、Illori、Sofu為研究樣本,綜合文獻整理出品牌形象建構、網路行銷及網頁視覺設計等相關理論,以21-40歲的族群為研究對象進行問卷調查與分析;以內容分析法歸納平價服飾品牌官網視覺設計元素之呈現形式,並以問卷調查法探究其所傳達出的感受意象為何。本研究舉「理性講究、流行時尚」與「多元豐富、熱情活潑」等二種風格型態按文字內容、圖像視覺、色彩搭配、版面編排、整體風格等五項要素說明網頁視覺設計原則。 研究結果發現三個研究樣本在文字設計方面均以黑體及明體呈現,在圖像視覺方面以寫實的風格為主,首頁以主打商品和model穿搭圖呈現,圖片多,顯示出版面的熱鬧性。色彩搭配上網頁底色皆以白色為底色,呈現明亮活潑的意象,強調商品,避免因底色影響商品給消費者之感受。版面編排方面,首頁均屬於上部導覽型中的雙重導覽列版型,不複雜且能將資訊確實地傳達給消費者。綜合上述整體風格以樣本Lativ在網站的視覺設計元素、呈現形式及給消費者之感受意象為最多人認同的,此品牌原以網路行銷為唯一管道,近期已結合其他行銷通路,使其品牌更加成功。可見網路品牌行銷不應只侷限在網路,也應與傳統媒體結合,吸引更多潛在消費族群。 本研究結果期許能給予未來網路平價服飾業者在設計官網風格時,提供視覺設計元素與感受意象之參考建議,一個成功的網路平價服飾品牌,需有良好的網頁視覺設計,建立品牌形象、塑造獨特風格、完整表達產品資訊,讓消費者情有獨鍾,滿足其低價但物超所值,且有時尚風格之感受。當網頁成就此條件後,再輔以適當的行銷手法、結合傳統媒體,即可成功地將商品推銷出去。


Nowadays, shopping on the internet becomes a trend. If a good website to be successful that business owners and website browsers’ online socializing platform become a communication platform, its successful elements of the urgent need to understand web page design principles, as web designers and visual form conditions. This study takes Taiwan Network value clothing brand-Lativ, Illori and Sofu as research samples, sorted out the construct of brand image, internet marketing and website visual design theory, the range of study groups is from 21-40 years old to carried out survey and analysis. inductive content analysis and questionnaire survey to explore why they convey the feelings of image. The research only " Rationally pay attention,fashion”and "diverse and rich, warm and lively" two kinds of style type text, images, visual, color, layout, overall style and the five elements of the web visual design principles . The results found that the three samples in the text are the bold letter and Ming presented mainly in terms of image visual realism style home outfit diagram showing the main product and model, pictures, show the surface of the excitement. With web page background color to begin with a white background, showing a bright and lively image that their products to avoid because of background goods to the consumers' feelings. Layout, the home belongs to the double navigation bar in the upper navigation type version is not complicated and can be information to convey to consumers. The overall style to the sample Lativ the site's visual design elements, showing the form and to the image of consumers' feelings for most people agree that this brand is the original Internet marketing is the only channel, has recently been combined with other marketing channels, its brand more successful. Visible online brand marketing should not be confined to the Internet, should also be combined with traditional media, to attract more potential consumer groups. Results of this study, hopes to give future network value clothing industry who in the design of the official website of style, to provide visual design elements and imagery the image of the reference proposal, a successful network value clothing brand, need to have a good web page visual design, build brand image create a unique style and complete expression of the product information and allow consumers a soft spot to meet its low-cost but excellent value for money, and fashion style feel. When the web page after the achievements of this condition, supplemented by appropriate marketing practices, combined with the traditional media can be successfully merchandising out.


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