  • 學位論文

供應鏈管理下影響有效採購之因素探討 -以臺灣電子級化學品製造業為例

Factors affecting of procurement in supply chain management -FAHP approach of Taiwan electronic chemical manufacturing industry

指導教授 : 劉立倫


供應鏈管理是近年來所被提出的名詞,在於採購的整體作業流程中扮演著整合、規劃及提供準則,而在採購在供應鏈管理中要如何運用管理技巧,進而達到對雙方,甚至三方最有利的交易模式。隨著時代的進步,半導體產業在臺灣發展也越來越好,這也隨之影響電子級化學品的供需循環。而電子級化學品的上、中、下游的各個供應商中,各自扮演著不同或者相同的產業模式,這也讓電子級化學品製造業的供應鏈管理複雜度增加。 本研究在供應鏈管理下影響有效採購之因素,並主要以臺灣電子級化學品製造業為例,探討採購在於供應鏈管理中所需要被重視的關鍵因素。 本研究運用模糊層級分析法來實施研究,回顧供應鏈管理相關文獻及探討供應鏈管理在電子級化學品產業中的作業模式,將其彙整並建立構面及評估準則,並製作成問卷,發放至相關領域之專家填寫,再運用模糊層級分析法分析出各項因素之權重及排名,以找出關鍵因素。 研究結果顯示:「品質管理與售後服務」與「形塑採購價格優勢」兩大構面合計權重值達55.24%,其權重已經超過一半以上,表示在供應鏈管理下影響有效採購之因素有相當的影響力,電子級化學品採購之相關人員建議可以此作為供應鏈管理的主軸。


Supply chain management is a term that has been proposed in recent years. It refers to the integration, planning, and provision of standards in the overall operation process of procurement, and how to use management skills in procurement in supply chain management to achieve the best for both parties and even the three parties favorable trading model. With the progress of the times, the development of the semiconductor industry in Taiwan is also getting better and better, which has also affected the cycle of electronic-grade chemicals in supply and demand. The suppliers of electronic-grade chemicals in the upstream, middle and downstream, each plays different industry model, which also increases the complexity of the supply chain management of electronic-grade chemical manufacturing. This study examines the factors that affect effective procurement under supply chain management, and uses Taiwan’s electronics-grade chemical manufacturing industry as an example to explore the key factors that procurement needs to be valued in supply chain management. The research results show that the total weight of the two major factors of "Quality Management and After-sales Service" and "The Price Advantage of Procurement" amounts to 55.24%, and its weight has exceeded more than half, indicating that the factors affecting effective procurement under supply chain management are with considerable influence, relevant personnel of electronic grade chemical procurement suggest that this can be used as the main axis of supply chain management.


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