  • 學位論文


Derailment Experiment and Numerical Simulation Analysis of Bogie on Shaking Table

指導教授 : 林炳昌 王仁佐


本文主要研究列車於不同振動下的脫軌機制,其研究方法為自行開發設計一套轉向架脫軌振動台實驗系統。本實驗系統包括實驗構架系統與實驗量測系統。為了設計本實驗系統,使用HyperMesh軟體建立轉向架脫軌實驗分析模型,使用元素包括實體元素、彈簧元素、剛體元素,此分析模型亦用來模擬實驗結果。實驗構架系統包括實驗轉向架、軌道系統、防撞鋼架、振動台。實驗量測系統包括應變計、LVDT、加速度計。研究方法為將實驗構架系統,安裝於國家地震工程研究中心實驗場之振動台上,並分別輸入不同頻率與不同大小正弦波位移歷時,與921集集地震加速度歷時,探討車輪與軌道在不同頻率、振幅之振動下的接觸行為。 本研究提出地震加速度與輪軌脫軌位移、地震速度與輪軌脫軌位移、地震位移與與輪軌脫軌位移三條曲線,實驗脫軌曲線將可提供地震下國內軌道車輛脫軌安全評估依據。


轉向架 脫軌曲線 輪軌互制 LS-DYNA


In this research, a derailment experiment system (DES) is developed, in order to study derailment mechanisms of a bogie under seismic. This experimental system includes a framework experimental system (FES) and a measuring system (MS). The FES has four components such as a bogie, rail, impact prevention frame and shaking table. The MS composed by four parts such as strain gauge, LVDT, accelerometer and recording equipment. In order to design this DES, the HyperMesh software is adopted. The solid element, spring element, beam element and rigid element are used to build a FEM model of bogie, and to simulate nonlinear dynamic responses of derailment experiment of bogie. In NCREE, the shaking table is subjected to sine wave displacements with different frequency and amplitude, and 921 Chi-Chi earthquake time histories. The DES is to study derailment mechanisms and wheel/rail interaction under seismic. In this study, three derailment curves are proposed such as a curve of shaking table acceleration and wheel vertical displacement, a curve of shaking table velocity and wheel vertical displacement, and a curve of shaking table and wheel vertical displacements. These three derailment curves can be used to assess derailment of train under seismic in Taiwan.


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