  • 學位論文


Space-time Distribution Characteristics of Taiwan’s Pisciculture and Application of Remote Sensing Images in Fish Farming Monitoring

指導教授 : 張國楨


根據行政院農委會漁業署養殖漁業放養量查詢平台 2018 年全國養殖魚種放 養量累計表顯示,截至 2018 年底臺灣現有魚塭數量為 105,975 口、養殖面積為 44,229.4 公頃;若以養殖魚種進行排名,前三大養殖魚種為虱目魚(14,427 口)、 吳郭魚(5,033 口)及青斑(黑點、馬拉巴石,2,797 口)。本研究以前二大養殖魚種 虱目魚及吳郭魚作為研究對象,分別對兩種魚種近十年(2009 至 2018 年)進行時 空群聚分析(Space-time cluster analysis),探討近十年此二魚種養殖分布特性,發 現虱目魚養殖熱點集中台灣西南沿海行政區;吳郭魚則散布在桃園市、宜蘭縣、 雲林縣及台灣西南沿海行政區;選定兩個魚種有大量熱點的嘉義縣布袋鎮及臺南 市北門區為研究區,以 2016 及 2017 年衛星影像(PlanetScope、SPOT 6、7)及 UAV 遙測影像進行月為間隔的魚塭養殖監測。研究發現上述遙測影像對於魚塭監測有 不錯的精度,透過魚塭養殖監測取得虱目魚及吳郭魚放養的逐月養殖變化,發現 在冬季有較大的變化幅度。透過上述研究,提供對吳郭魚及虱目魚監測的時機及範圍。


According to the fish farming survey by Taiwan Fisheries Agency in 2018, the amount of fish farms in Taiwan was 105,975, and the aquaculture area was 44,229.4 hectares. The top three aquaculture fish species are Chanos chanos (14,427), tilapia (5,033) and Banded grouper (2,797). This study chose Chanos chanos and tilapia as research subjects. 2009-2018 fish farming data was analyzed by Space-time cluster analysis to explore these fish species’ aquaculture distribution characteristics. It was found that the Chanos chanos was distributed in the southwest coast area of Taiwan. tilapia was distributed in Taoyuan city, Yilan county, Yunlin county and the southwest coastal area of Taiwan. Budai township of Chiayi county and Beimen district of Tainan city, both of which have large hot spot in two fish species, were selected as research area. Fish farms’ aquaculture status were monitored at monthly intervals with satellite images (SPOT, PlanetScope) and UAV images in 2016 and 2017. This study found that the above images have good accuracy for fish farms’ aquaculture status monitoring. By monthly monitoring, two fish species’ aquaculture status were got and winter is the time when aquaculture status changes the most. Through this study, the timing and scope of monitoring Chanos chanos and tilapia aquaculture status were provided.


于宜強、陳淡容(2016)。〈2016 年 1 月份寒害事件分析與台灣寒害變異研究〉。新北市,國家災害防救科技中心。
蘇甘棠(2007)。〈虱目魚 160〉。《水產試驗所特刊》,9。
