  • 學位論文


The Formation and Change of Urban System in Changhua Area (1896-1980)

指導教授 : 林聖欽


一個區域內市街的等級在不同時期會有所變遷,彰化地區的都市體系在日治時期、戰後有什麼樣的變遷?是什麼原因影響彰化地區都市體系的變遷?本研究主要的研究方法為:(1)透過地圖比對來劃定各時期市街聚落的範圍、(2)計算人口標準差劃分市街等級、(3)透過工業的統計資料,瞭解不同時期的發動型產業。透過上述方法,呈現日治時期與戰後彰化地區的都市體系及變遷的情形,試圖回答上述提出的問題。研究結果有下列三點: 1.日治時期彰化地區的市街等級:分成1904-1919年與1920-1945年兩個時期來劃分市街等級,彰化和鹿港獨大,為第一級市街,人口數遠高於其他市街,在市街的數量上,皆以第四級市街最多。在市街等級變動上,1915年二林上升為第四級市街;1935年員林上升為第二級市街、溪湖上升為第四級市街;社頭則是從1925年降為第五級市街。 2.戰後彰化地區的市街等級:彰化和員林皆維持在第一等級,各個時期皆以第四級市街的數量最多;在市街等級變動上,1935-1970年等級上升的市街為員林、溪湖、永靖、田中、和美、二林、社頭、竹塘、田尾、小埔心、大城;等級下降的市街為北斗。1970-2017年等級上升的市街為永靖(1990年)、和美(2000年)、伸港(2010年);等級下降的市街為鹿港(1980年)、田中(1980年)、永靖(1980年)、二林(1990年)、北斗(2017年),括號內表示市街等級有變動的年份。 3.(1)日治時期的工業主要以製造業為主,彰化地區重要的發動型產業為糖業、罐頭業。發動型產業和主要市街的「距離」成為是否能夠帶動市街等級提升的關鍵,溪湖、溪州的糖廠,與員林的罐頭業鄰近主要市街,發動型產業對於市街等級的提升有顯著的影響;而和美與二林的糖廠,有助於帶動糖廠所在聚落的人口成長,但距離主要市街較遠,對於主要市街等級的提升較沒有顯著的影響。 (2)戰後製造業蓬勃發展,發動型產業對於市街等級的提升,主要是在民國70年代(1980s)之前,食品製造業有助於帶動員林、溪湖、二林、田中市街等級的提升;紡織業有助於帶動社頭、和美市街等級的提升;金屬製品製造業有助於帶動和美市街等級的提升。


The urban hierarchy within a region changes in different periods. What sort of urban system changes occurred in the Changhua area in the period of Japanese Rule and the postwar period, respectively? What caused the urban system to change in the Changhua area? The primary methods of research adopted in this paper include: (1) using map-by-map comparison to identify the boundaries of different urban areas; (2) calculate the population standard deviation to categorize the different levels of urban areas; (3) use industrial statistic data to identify the propulsive industries in different periods. The methods above can show how the urban system changed in the Changhua area in the period of Japanese Rule and the postwar period and can address the problems identified above. The research results can be concluded in the following three points. 1.The urban hierarchy in the Changhua area during the period of Japanese Rule: the urban hierarchy can be distinguished into two phases, one between 1904-1919, the other between 1920-1945. Changhua and Lukang are the largest urban areas and classified as the first-level urban areas. Their respective population exceeded that of different urban areas. In terms of the number of urban areas, the fourth-level urban areas are the most represented. In terms of hierarchical change, Erlin upgraded to the fourth-level status in 1915; Yuanlin upgraded to the second-level in 1935; Xihu upgraded to the fourth-level in 1935; Shetou downgraded to the fifth-level in 1925. 2.The urban hierarchy in the postwar period: Changhua and Yuanlin maintained the first-level status, and the fourth-level urban areas remain the most identified group in each phase. In terms of hierarchical change, from 1935 to 1970 several urban areas upgraded, including Yuanlin, Xihu, Yongjing, Tianzhong, Hemei, Erlin, Shetou, Zhutang, Tianwei, Xiaopuxin, Dacheng; Beidou was downgraded. From 1970 to 2017, upgraded urban areas include Yongjing (1990), Hemei (2000), Shengang (2010); downgraded urban areas include Lukang (1980), Tianzhong (1980), Yongjing (1980), Erlin (1990), Beidou (2017). The numbers in parentheses indicate the year when the urban hierarchy changed. 3.(1) The major industrial type in the Changhua area during the period of Japanese Rule was manufacturing. Important propulsive industries include sugar and canned goods. The key to whether an urban area could be upgraded is the "distance" between the propulsive industries and the main urban areas. The sugar plants in Xihu and Xizhou and the canned goods industry in Yuanlin have a direct impact on the upgrading of the respective urban areas in which they are situated. As for the sugar plants in Hemei and Erlin, they were conducive to the population growth near the settlements where the sugar plant is based, but its relatively distant location from the main urban areas meant that it made little impact on their upgrades. (2) The postwar period saw the growth of manufacturing. The propulsive industries that led to the upgrade of urban areas took place before the 1980s. The food manufacturing industry brought upgrades to Yuanlin, Xihu, Erlin, and Tianzhong; the textile industry brought upgrades to Shetou, Hemei, and the fabricated metal products manufacturing industry brought upgrades to Hemei.


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