  • 學位論文


Production Scale and the Capital-Labor Input Ratio - A Study of Taiwan Industries

指導教授 : 林茂廷


隨著技術的進步,近幾年高度自動化的機器人似乎成了資本使用的趨勢。本文研究在排除時間及產業固定效果,考慮資本調整的遲滯,及扣除要素相對價格變動因素後,台灣各產業的資本勞動比變化有多少是產量規劃考量下,改變生產技術所造成的效果。 本研究使用台灣1981-2013年各產業的資料進行分析得到以下兩點結論。1.工業中「製造業」的技術採用有往資本密集發展的趨勢,「礦業及土石採取業」及「營造業」則是往勞動密集發展。2.服務業早年的技術變動是往勞動密集發展,然而近十年多數服務業則沒有明顯趨勢出現 。


With the advances in technology, there seems to be a trend that firms use highly automated robots as capital, resulting in many people’s fear of job lost. This thesis measures the change of capital-labor ratio that can be attributed to the technological change in response to an industry’s output capacity plan. We use the industrial level data of Taiwan from 1981 to 2013. After controlling time and industrial fixed effects, accounting the sluggish adjustment of capital, and excluding the effects from relative input cost variations, we found two phenomena associated with technological adaptation: 1. "Manufacturing" sector has a trend toward capital-intensity, while "mining and quarrying" and "construction" sectors become more labor-intensive in response to the technology adaptation. 2. Service industry was more labor-intensive in the early years. During the recent decade, most of the service sectors have no clear trend in adopting the technology that can change their capital-labor ratio.


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