  • 學位論文


Identifying Key Supply Chain Agility in Response to Bullwhip Effect

指導教授 : 張洝源


面對全球化競爭以及市場中的快速變化,企業必須重視如何訂定有效的供應鏈管理策略,以解決企業所面對之問題。然而,供應鏈之長鞭效應問題,在許多企業供應鏈管理中,存在著難以克服之負面影響。學者指出,敏捷力可以有效抑制長鞭效應,但是,如何利用敏捷力之策略與優勢因應長鞭效應,至今尚未被提出。本研究之目的在於藉由敏捷力之快速回應市場的優勢,評估抑制長鞭效應影響之敏捷力的關鍵準則,用以緩解供應鏈長鞭效應所產生之衝擊。本研究以台灣一上市企業為實證研究對象,探討其供應鏈中,因應長鞭效應之敏捷力關鍵準則。 本研究藉由文獻蒐集,彙整產生長鞭效應之因素以及供應鏈敏捷力之準則,並藉由關鍵因素與準則之分析,評估敏捷力對於緩解長鞭效應影響的重要性程度,以及因素間相互影響關係,藉以提供供應鏈管理者分析因應長鞭效應之敏捷力的關鍵準則。本研究以品質機能展開(QFD)為基本架構,首先,藉由模糊德爾菲法(FDM)篩選長鞭效應與敏捷力之重要因素,並採用模糊詮釋結構模式(FISM)探討長鞭效應因素間可能存在相互影響關係,再經由網路分析程序法(ANP),分析長鞭效應之相關性與權重,最後藉由灰關聯分析法(GRA)求得評選結果。此外,本研究更透過理想解類似順序偏好法(TOPSIS)與折衷排序法(VIKOR)所得之結果,與GRA結果進行比較,以提供企業管理者作為決策時的參考。


In the face of global competition and rapid market changes, enterprises must lay emphasis on how to set up effective supply chain management strategies in order to resolve problems faced by enterprises. However, for many enterprises, the problem of bullwhip effect in the supply chain has a negative impact difficult to overcome in supply chain management. Scholars have pointed out that agility can effectively inhibit the bullwhip effect. However, how to utilize agility strategies and advantageously respond to the bullwhip effect has so far not been proposed. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the key criteria of agility that inhibits the impact of the bullwhip effect through the advantage of agility that quickly responds to the market, thereby alleviating impacts arising from the bullwhip effect in the supply chain. This study adopted one TAIEX listed company in Taiwan as the empirical research participant to explore the key criteria of agility in the supply chain in response to the bullwhip effect. Based on the literature review, the factors causing the bullwhip effect and the supply chain agility criteria were compiled. Additionally, through the analysis of the key factors and criteria, the degree of importance of agility in alleviating the impact of the bullwhip effect, as well as the mutual relatedness of the factors were evaluated, thereby providing supply chain managers with the key criteria for analyzing and responding to the bullwhip effect of agility. This study adopted the quality function deployment (QFD) as the basic framework. First, through fuzzy Delphi method (FDM), the important factors contributing to bullwhip effect and agility were screened and selected. Then, the fuzzy interpretative structural model (FISM) was employed to explore the interrelatedness among the bullwhip factors that possibly existed. Then, through the analytic network process (ANP), the relevance and weight of the bullwhip effect were analyzed. Finally, gray relational analysis (GRA) was used to obtain selection results. Furthermore, the results obtained from Fuzzy Technique for Order Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) and VlseKriterijumska Optimizacija I Kompromisno Resenje (VIKOR) were compared with the GRA results in order to serve as a reference for enterprise managers during decision-making.


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