  • 學位論文


The Application of Risk Management in Aircraft Weapons Mounted Operation -A Case Study of Hualien Airport

指導教授 : 黃信豪


本研究探討空軍花蓮機場推行作業風險管理期間,運用作業風險整合管理套裝軟體(Operational Risk Management Integration Tool, ORMIT),依「危險識別」、「風險評估」、「分析風險控制」、「風險決策」、「執行風險控制」、「監督與檢討」等六大步驟來執行花蓮機場F-16型戰機武器掛載作業風險管理具體作法,以分析及降低武器裝掛之作業風險,並預防意外事件肇生,期達到零事故之目標。 研究結果顯示,自2009年起針對作業風險管理之推展,在未執行時每年平均事故發生為1.6起,後續針對現行維保作業訂定247項風險管理課目,並成立風險管理小組針對每項課目執行風險評估,應用作業風險管理六個步驟探討可能危險項目並評估其風險等級,再運用軟體的記錄並加以分析、計算其風險值,以達風險分類、控制與決策,後續於2010年至2013年間施行作業風險管理,現未曾因維修不慎肇生危險事件,顯現作業風險管理有助於花蓮機場降低及改善地勤人員工作不慎等危安事件,以確保單位各階層於執行各項任務與作業時,均能正確且安全狀況下運作,進而增進執行效益。


Operational risk management is a continual cyclic six-step process which includes risk identification, risk evaluation, risk analysis, risk decision making, implementation of risk controls, and monitor and review, which results in acceptance, mitigation, or avoidance of risk. This research studies the implementation of operational risk management to aircraft armaments suspend in Hualien airport by using “operational risk management integration tool (ORMIT)” software package. Hualien airport adopted “operational risk management integration tool” software package to promote operational risk management since 2009. Tainan airport sets 247 risk management courses for the current maintenance operations, and sets up several risk management teams to implement the six-step process to these courses. This study shows that there were 1.6 maintenance accidents per year before promoting operational risk management in Hualien airport, and there are no maintenance accidents from 2010 to 2013.


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