  • 學位論文


On Tang Jun-I’s Concept of “Self-Transcendence” in his theory of moral cultivation: Focusing on His Writing in The Establisment of Moral Self

指導教授 : 李瑞全


本文主旨在論唐君毅先生在工夫論中的自我超越觀,主要以唐先生的早期著作《道德自我之建立》為中心,並輔以《人生之體驗》及《人生之體驗續編》,整理出唐先生「自我超越」的工夫歷程。本文分成三部: 第一部份討論道德生活與自我超越:唐先生認為人該過道德生活,而道德的本質在於自我超越,此部份旨在說明何謂道德生活,而自我超越又與道德有何關係。 第二部份說明自我超越的歷程:繼說明道德與自我超越的關係後,本文進一步說明自我超越的歷程。此部分先從罪惡之產生開始說明,罪惡源自一念之陷溺,而由陷溺到不陷溺,就是一成德的歷程。 第三部份是自我超越的工夫論:說明了成德的歷程,接下來說明此歷程中有何工夫。依唐先生之說,成德的歷程就是精神的逐步擴大,逐步破除陷溺。唐先生提供了在此歷程中的各種工夫。唐先生認為精神之上升不是自然而然,而是需要有一種希望自己的精神可以上升的意識,而如何有這種意識,同樣有工夫可做,就是心靈的凝聚與開發,而當中最核心的一點,就是孤獨之意識。因此,本文最後說明孤獨如何作為一種工夫可以幫助精神的上升。 本文最後總結以上說明,得出唐先生對「自我超越」的論證,成德的四層歷程以及儒家倫理的社會參與性。


This thesis is a study of Tang Jun-I’s concept of “self-transcendence” in his theory of moral cultivation. It is based on his early works in his The Establisment of Moral Self with some materials from both his book of The Experience of Life and the Essays Following The Experience of Life. It aims to present Professor Tang’s idea of the process of moral cultivation in his concept of self- transcendence. It consists of three parts. Part one treats the question of moral life and self-transcendence. Professor Tang emphasizes that we should live morally and the nature of morality is a process of self- transcendence. This part explains what it means to live morally and the relation between self-transcendence and morality. The second part deals with the process of self-transcendence and goes further in the details of the process. It starts with the problem of evil. Professor Tang regards evil as the result of the corruption of the human mind and the process of moral cultivation is a process of reversion of non-corruption. The third part is the moral cultivation of self-transcendence. It explains the process of becoming a virtuous person and the kind of cultivation in this process. According to Tang’s theory, this process is the enlargement of our spiritual self so as to overcome the corruptions of our mind. Professor Tang suggested specific steps and different aspects of the process. Basically, Tang regards the asendence of spirit is not a natural process but an endeavor of our hope for a ascendence. There is cultivation of such a consciousness of ascendence, this is the consolidation and development of our mind. One of the focal point is the sense of loneliness solitude. Hence the thesis ends with an explanation how solitude helps to promote the development of our spirit.


