  • 學位論文


指導教授 : 王存國


中國大陸自九十年代改革開放以來,經濟迅速帶動了各行各業成長,其中房地産業取得了飛速的發展,成爲中國發展最快的行業之一。伴隨著房地産業的成長,空調產業也因人們對於舒適度的要求而隨之成長,在中國大陸,空調業已發展成有自主的自有品牌,並且在某些産品能與世界品牌相抗衡。因此,台灣空調業者欲在打開中國市場,則需要對其有深入的瞭解與認識中國大陸空調市場。基於此動機,本研究搜集大陸相關法令制度與産業發展背景,透過五力分析瞭解台灣空調業者進入中國市場後會面臨的競爭環境,並透過SWOT分析,試圖瞭解中國大陸市場機會與威脅,以及業者在中國大陸市場發展的優劣勢,並提出以下競爭策略、行銷策略及其他相關支援性策略,以期業者能掌握並適應整體競爭環境: 1. 垂直整合策略:包括採用固定承包商以控制品質;主要材料直接採購以減少中間商提高獲利;培養專業現場管理人員以提升工人的積極性。 2. 多角化經營策略:包括主要兩方向,一是開發其他行業以擴大經營範圍,例如:農業生產行業。二為選擇適當合作企業以形成策略聯盟,達到專業分工取得雙贏。 3. 服務策略:包括對其他空調品牌的服務;提供銷售後產品的各項服務,例如定期保養,以取得業主對產品的信任,提高將來的業務機會。 本研究結果也歸納以下結論: 1. 台灣業者與台商有良好的人際關係,對於台商客戶較當地之業者有競爭力。 2. 台灣業者專業能力、服務精神與對客戶的誠實度均較當地業者佳,並具有良好的工程管理經驗與工程品質管理,對取得客戶的信任度具有相當優勢。 3. 台灣業者除具空調專業知識外,還熟悉機電、冷凍、冷藏專業知識,因此可利用較廣泛的專業去拓展空調以外之行業,以降低只以空調為主營業的風險性。 4. 台灣業者能了解從設備銷售、設計規劃、工程估價到現場管理的每一細節,對於工程的協調整合、品質、成本及進度等較具有掌控性。


Thirty years of reform and opening-up in Mainland China have not only benefited its people, but also contributed to the stability and growth of the regional and world economies. The real estate industry in China has been fast growing for fulfilling the demand. Air conditioning plays a critical role in providing comfortable accommodation for people. Thus, the market of air conditioner in China has been growing rapidly; many firms from different countries have attempted to capture the opportunity to dominate the market. Taiwanese firms also aimed at this pie and tried to enter this market. This study conducts a SWOT analysis and develops strategies for Taiwanese air conditioning firms that want to enter the China air conditioning market. We propose the following strategies: 1. Vertical integration: Taiwanese firms need to find quality outsourcing firms and cooperate with these firms. Taiwanese firms also can increase the degrees of disintermediation. 2. Diversification strategies: Taiwanese firms can focus on two approaches: developing potential markets that need air conditioning, such as agriculture, and allying with the firms from related and supporting industries. 3. Service strategies: Providing services for other well-known brands to increase the reputation of Taiwanese firms. We also provide the following conclusions: 1. Taiwanese air conditioning firms should maintain good relationships with Taiwanese firms that operate in China. 2. Taiwanese air conditioning firms are more professional, service-oriented, honest, experienced, and of high quality than Chinese air conditioning firms. 3. Taiwanese air conditioning firms have a wide range knowledge related to air conditioning, such as electronic engineering and refrigeration. 4. Taiwanese air conditioning firms are familiar with a series of air conditioning operations, from sales, design, cost evaluation, to worksite management. They have better management skills and are able to coordinate better with stakeholders.


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