  • 學位論文


An Interrelationship among Physical Fitness, Physical Activity, and Sleep Quality in Population: A Case Study in Chia-yi Area

指導教授 : 林晉榮


本研究旨在探討嘉義地區參與體能檢測民眾之體適能、身體活動及睡眠品質之間的關係。經運動安全問卷篩選適合參與體能檢測者,並完成國際身體活動量表臺灣中文版(IPAQ)及匹茲堡睡眠品質量表(PSQI)填答,計有273位(男性:112、女性:161,平均年齡:43.4±12.0)。以SPSS 17.0及AMOS 18進行資料分析,並以描述性統計、獨立樣本t檢定、單因子變異數分析、單因子多變量變異數分析及方程結構模式分析處理。結果顯示:一、參與民眾身體質量指數(BMI)大於24者佔50.91%,女性腰臀圍比大於0.85者佔19.87%。從事費力身體活動的平均時間為每天36.76分鐘、中等費力身體活動的平均時間為每天35.13分鐘及走路活動的平均時間為每天46.59分鐘,每天坐著的時間平均達298.79分鐘。PSQI的平均總分為5.73,PSQI總分在大於5分者佔46.2%。二、在BMI項目:男性大於女性;中高齡組民眾大於青壯年組民眾;家管、退休及科技製造業民眾高於學生。腰臀圍比項目:男性大於女性;中高齡組民眾大於青壯年組民眾。仰臥起坐項目:男性優於女性;青壯年組民眾優於中高齡組民眾;專科大學組及碩士以上組民眾優於高中職組、國中組及國小組民眾;學生優於所有的職業類別民眾且服務業民眾也優於科技製造業民眾。坐姿體前彎項目:女性優於男性;收入低於2萬組別民眾優於4~6萬的組別民眾。三、走路活動量方面:青壯年組民眾明顯大於中高齡組民眾。坐著時間方面:有吸煙組民眾大於不吸煙及已戒煙的組別民眾。四、睡眠困擾因素:居住嘉義地區民眾少於居住其它地區民眾。在睡眠效率、藥物使用及PSQI總分部份:有喝酒習慣的參與民眾比無喝酒習慣的民眾睡眠效率比較差;藥物使用也比較頻繁;而且整體睡眠品質也較差。五、身體活動對體適能及睡眠品質在徑路關係上有正面直接的影響效果。


The purpose of this study was to explore the relationship among physical fitness, physical activity and sleep quality whose participate in physical fitness tests people in Chia-yi area. There were 273 participants (112 male, 161 female; average: 43.4 ± 12.0) participated in fitness tests. They had to pass PAR-Q screening, and completed the International Physical Activity Questionnaire for the Chinese version (IPAQ) and Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI). The data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, Independent sample t-test, One-way ANOVA, One-way MANOVA (SPSS 17.0) and structural equation model (AMOS 18). The results showed that: ⑴ 50.91% of the participants were greater than 24 in Body mass index (BMI), 19.87% of female participants’ Waist-hip ratio (WHR) were greater than 0.85. Engaged in vigorous physical activity, the average was 36.76 minutes per day. Engaged in moderate physical activity, the average was 35.13 minutes per day. Engaged in walk activity the average was 46.59 minutes per day. The average of sitting was 298.79 minutes per day. The average Global PSQI score of participants was 5.73, 46.2% of participants’ Global PSQI score were greater than 5. ⑵In Body mass index (BMI): Male participants were higher than females; the middle-aged and elderly group was higher than the young group; family management or Retired group and technology industry group were higher than students. In Waist-hip ratio (WHR): Male participants were higher than females; the middle-aged and elderly group was higher than the young group. In One minute site-up: Male participants were better than females, the middle-aged and elderly group was better than the young group. College group and master group were better than high school group, junior high school group and Elementary School group. Students were superior to all participants of occupational categories and service group was also better than the technology industry group. In Sit and reach test: Female participants were better than males; participants whose income is less than 20,000 group was better than participants whose income is between 40,000~60,000 group. ⑶In walk activity level: The young group was significantly greater than the middle aged and elderly group. In sitting time: Smoking group was greater than non-smoking or smoking cessation group. ⑷Factor of Sleep disturbance: Living in the Chia-yi area participants was less than the other area participants. Factors of Sleep efficiency, Use of sleep dosage and Global PSQI score: participants of drinking habit were less than non-drinking habit of participants, who drug use was also more frequent and overall sleep quality was also poor than non-drinking. ⑸Physical activity can be a positive direct impact on physical fitness and sleep quality.


fitness test IPAQ PSQI


