  • 學位論文

臺灣地方公共圖書館制度與營運管理之研究 臺北市立圖書館與台南市立圖書館之比較分析

The study of the local public library system and operating management in Taiwan The comparison and analysis between Taipei and Tainan municipal library

指導教授 : 蔡榮祥


臺灣地方公共圖書館可說是分布最廣、數量最多的圖書館類型,且大多與 社區結合,儼然成為社區居民閱讀與終身學習的主要據點,無論在教育上或文化 上均扮演著關鍵性的角色。 閱讀力等同國家競爭力,閱讀,讓歐美亞站在知識經濟浪頭,且於二十世 紀末竟敲然地把國際競爭舞台由軍事、經濟、政治等硬實力轉移到教育與文化軟 實力上,各國莫不以「圖書館是資訊社會的心臟」作為期許,傾全國之力,掀起 閱讀浪潮。 然反觀我國在全球風起雲湧推動閱讀聲浪中,卻因法制未周全、未落實, 而造成圖書館組織隸屬分歧、與輔導體系不一,財政短絀,人力不足、欠缺專業 知能等營運失靈現象,導致圖書館價值無法充分體現,影響國家競爭力極深且鉅。 因而本文以臺北市與臺南市為案例,針對其圖書館之制度與營運管理作比 較分析,試圖找出組織隸屬對營運管理之影響。 公共圖書館是全民閱讀最主要的據點,是推動閱讀最有力的推手,其業務 之推動必須透過政府機器運行,因而,筆者認為要有效解決現況困境,當從健全 法令制度著手,適度修改圖書館相關法規,使法制與事實吻合,如此,始能策畫 整體而長遠的願景,確保圖書館事業永續發展。 最後,期許政府能重視、援助,讓提供全民求證事實、探索新知、觸摸文 明的重要平台能跟隨世界潮流,成為提升我國國際競爭力的一股助力。


The local public library can be the most popular libraries in Taiwan, and most of them are integrated with local community to be friendly, it’s evident that the library is the place of reading and lifelong learning for their residences, as well as the critical role in educating and culture. Reading can make a Nation more competitive definitely, reading also made Europe and American be the leadership of knowledge and economics in the world. In the end of the 20th century, the military affairs, economics and politics on the international competitive stage has been transferring to the education and soft power, that way, promote the reading would be a country-wide movement since the library is the clutch of the information and society. As mentioned above, reading is getting a world-wide movement; however, our libraries cannot be well performed due to the inadequate and unpractical government rule, it will cause the discrepancy of library organization and counsel system; on the other hand, the government financial risk, manpower shortage, less professional capability and the operation malfunctioned will also impact the competitive strength of Nation a lot. The case of Taipei and Tainan public libraries, it focuses on the library rule and operating management to see the differences and try to find the influence of the affiliated organization and operating management as well. The public library is the place for general reading, also a promoter for reading. Basically, the library affairs should be operated by the state apparatus, in order to solve the current dilemma, it needs to better the rule and law, amend the relevant library regulations to meet the current situation. Finally, this study would expect to the government can highlight in making a communication platform for general seeking, explore the new knowledge and civilization on the world trend, it would be helpful for us to improve the international competition.


Public library


天下雜誌(2002)。《臺灣的閱讀危機》第263 期,文/天下雜誌編輯部。
