  • 學位論文


A Case Study of Computer Skills Learning for Learning Disability Students in Vocational High Schol

指導教授 : 鍾鳳嬌


本研究主要在探討高職學習障礙學生學習電腦技能的歷程分析,研究對象來自屏東縣某私立高職資料處理科單一班級三位學生。一位領有學習障礙鑑定證明書,一位於研究者提報後,核准領取輕度智能障礙鑑定證明書,另一位則有學習障礙現象而未領有鑑定證明書。 輔導教學課程是以丙級電腦軟體應用證照教材,融合了個別化教育計畫,以及學習障礙學生之學習理論作為制定教學目標與教案的依據。執行時段為正規課程以外之課後時間施行輔導教學,並經由觀察、半結構式訪談以及研究者省思所收集的資料,作為研究過程之呈現與結果佐證。 施作歷程之中,研究者發現個案有不同的學習特徵,因而增加了教學的困難度。然而,各學障生的學習特性,也形成了個案間學習的優、劣勢,並間接影響學習成效。關於教學者,研究歷程中的熱誠也是影響教學品質與成效的一項要素。故本研究之歷程不僅限於教學過程,還包含教學者與個案之互動相處,以及家長溝通作為資料蒐集之主軸,研究結果陳述如後。 一、高職學習障礙學生在學習電腦證照課程的執行歷程:研究發現學障生的學習堅持、教學者的熱誠、互動的教學情境、適度的正負向刺激以及生活上與學業上的關心和家長的肯定等因素,是影響學障生願意學習的要素。 二、高職學習障礙學生在電腦證照課程學習後的成效表現:顯性成效達成率為50%,隱性成效與家長認同度均有明顯正向改變。 隨後對研究之不足,提出三個層面的建議: 一、對學習障礙學生在學習過程中之改善建議 二、對學習障礙學生之教學策略建議 三、對學習障礙學生學習之未來研究建議


This research aims to investigate the analytical process of acquiring computer skills for students with learning disability in vocational high school. The subjects of this study are students majoring in data processing in a private vocational high school in Pingtung County. The first participant is certified with learning disability. The second participant is certified with mild mental retardation after researcher’s report. The third participant is learning disabled, but does not have the certificate. The computer license courses based its teaching objectives and teaching plans on Individualized Education Program (IEP) and the Learning Theory of students with learning disabilities. The study was carried out during extracurricular hours. The results are presented with data collected from observation, semi-structured interviews and the researcher’s reflection. During the research, researcher found that the subjects’ learning characteristics are different, which increased the difficulties for instructors to teach. However, the subjects’ differences also shaped their strengths and weaknesses, and influenced their learning effects indirectly. As to the instructors, enthusiasm plays a crucial role in the teaching qualities and effects. Therefore, this study also includes the subjects’ interaction with the instructors and the communication with the subjects’ parents. The results are: 1.The computer license courses’ learning process of students with learning disability: researcher discovered that the insistence of students, the passion of the instructors, the interactive teaching contexts, appropriate positive and negative stimuli, and teachers’ and parents’ care and affirmations are factors influencing students’ learning will. 2. The performances of students with learning disabilities after taking computer license courses: The dominant success rate is 50%; the recessive effect and parents’ recognition both have significant positive changes. The researcher then made three suggestions: 1.Suggestions to improve students with learning disabilities’ learning process. 2.Suggestions to students with learning disabilities’ teaching strategies. 3.Suggestions for future research on students with learning disability.


Bateman, B. D., & Linden, M. A. (1992). Better IEPs: How to develop legally correct and educationally useful programs. Longmont, Co:Sopris West.
