  • 學位論文


Study on Organizational Changes in Social Care Institutions from a Historical Institutional Perspective - Pingtung Veterans Home as a Case Study

指導教授 : 邱瑜瑾


摘 要 學號:M9761014 論文名稱:從歷史制度論探討社會照顧機構之組織變遷 -以屏東榮家為例 總頁數:206 學校名稱:國立屏東科技大學 系別:社會工作系 畢業時間及摘要別:九十九學年度第二學期碩士學位論文摘要 研究生:林 青        指導教授:邱瑜瑾 論文摘要: 本研究從歷史制度論的觀點探討社會照顧組織屏東榮家的制度變遷,以歷史制度論作為辯證的研究架構。屏東榮家成立迄今歷經57年,累積了相當豐富的服務經驗,但隨著單身來台榮民逐漸凋零,同時面對高齡化社會來臨之際,老人機構照顧需求日益增加,屏東榮家除思考存續的合理性外,現行的組織架構及制度,是否符合長期照顧需求,以及未來的前瞻性發展如何,皆是值得探討的。 本研究冀望達到以下問題之探索: 一、探討屏東榮家的歷史脈絡及發展情形?受到政治、經濟、文化及社會條件影響,組織做了那些變遷?面臨的壓力與挑戰為何?二、為了滿足社會需求及面對市場的競爭壓力,在榮民福利在制度結構上有那些變革?在不同時期所採取的因應策略為何?三、引進社工及護理專業服務,此項專業發展對榮家及住民的影響為何?四、對屏東榮家未來的前瞻性發展提出相關建議。 屏東榮家在大環境下,受到政治、經濟、文化、社會條件以及住民需求,歷經不同時期的變革,大致區分為三個階段(篳路籃縷時期、棈進成長時期、專業多元時期)。本論文由史料蒐集、深度訪談、輔以統計數據,期能由組織發展、管理模式、組織編制與配置人力、服務內容來探討榮家變遷之特色。 爰本研究有幾項重要發現:一、榮民之家原先設計純粹只有安養的功能,並沒有社會服務的概念,至近期開始注重社會福利,由慈善恩給制度轉向社會照顧功能。二、榮民早期受到「戡亂時期陸海空軍人婚姻條例」的限制無法結婚,當年齡漸增、體能衰退時,晚年生活被迫只能接受機構照顧。三、早年隨政府來台之榮民正值青壯時期,尚無就養需求,當時政策採輔導就業為主,隨著榮民逐漸老化,對退伍軍人的照顧逐漸趨向就養安置。四、榮家的領導及管理階層大多由軍中轉任,對榮民的照顧仍延用軍中的團體式的管理模式,但受到社會福利思潮及評鑑制度的影響,趨向於個別化的服務。五、榮家服務對象為榮民,因應高齡化的需求,榮家逐漸轉向專業多元化,開始辦理一般民眾的日間照顧,並與地方政府合作辦理OT委外方案,收容低收入併身心障礙之民眾。六、屏東榮家自公開接受評鑑後,逐漸揭開軍系管理的神秘色彩,尤其是在住民的自主權及專業發展,都有極大的改變。


Abstract Student ID: M9761014 Title of Thesis: Study on Organizational Changes in Social Care Institutions from a Historical Institutional Perspective - Pingtung Veterans Home as a Case Study Total Pages: 206 National Pingtung University of Science and Technology Department/Graduate Institute: Department of Social Work Date of Graduation: January, 2011 Degree Conferred: second Name of Student: Lin Ching Advisor: Chiou, Yu-Chin, Ph.D. Abstract: This research examines the organizational changes in Pingtung Veterans Home from a historical institutional perspective. Pingtung Veterans Home has accumulated 57 years’ experiences of providing services for single veterans who came from mainland China to Taiwan in the 1950s. In response of the gradual withering of the veterans and the increasingly demand of institutional care for elderly caused by aging society, it is critical for Pingtung Veterans Home to develop forward-looking perspective by examining its organizational structure and service system. This study intended to achieve the following objectives as following. First, to explore the historical context and development of Pingtung Veteran’s Home, such as: what changes has the organization made under the political, economic, cultural, and social influences? Second, in order to cope with the pressure of competition in social services markets, what changes have been made in terms of the veteran’s welfare as well as systematic structure? And what response strategies have been adopted in the different phases? Third, what are the influences of the organization’s professional development, including social work and nursing services, on veterans and residents? Finally, suggestions relating to the forward-looking development of Pingtung Veterans Home are presented. Pingtung Veterans Home has gone through changes caused by political, economical, cultural, social conditions as well as the changing needs of residents. This process can be categorized into three different stages, which are: Basic Resources, Improvement & Development, and Professionalism & Diversity. In this study, historical data, in-depth interviews and statistical data were collected to analyze the characteristics of Pingtung Veterans Home, such as: organizational development features, management models, organizational arrangement and manpower allocation. There are several important findings in this study. (1) The original design of Pingtung Veterans Home only targeted elderly care without considering the concept of social services. It was not until recently that social welfare became a focus, thereby transforming the government-financed superannuation to social care system; (2) Subject to the restrictions of the “Armed Forces Military Personnel Marriage Act during the Period for Suppression of the Communist Rebellion” in the early times, the veterans were unable to marry. As these veterans got older and as their physical strength gradually declined, they had no choice but to accept institutional care; (3) the veterans that arrived in Taiwan with the government were in their prime, care demands were not yet an issue. At the time, the government mainly adopted the employment-based guidance policy. As the veterans got older, “placement in nursing homes” became a way of supporting for retired military personnel; (4) Pingtung Veterans Home is led and managed mainly by military transits so that veteran care remains the same as that of the group management model adopted in the military. However, under the influence of the social welfare thoughts and evaluation system, the services were headed toward individualized services; (5) in response to the needs of the aging population, Pingtung Veterans Home was aware of the need for professional diversity and gradually changed its target from veterans-only to the public. It now provides day care for the public and implements OT outsourcing plan with the local government to host low-income and disabled people; and (6) the mystery of military management has been revealed after Pingtung Veterans Home officially accepted to partake in the evaluation. Major changes have been made, especially in terms of its professional development and the residents’ autonomy.




蔡宜緁(2014)。國小輔導人員專業化研究(1991-2013): 歷史制度論的分析〔碩士論文,國立臺灣大學〕。華藝線上圖書館。https://doi.org/10.6342/NTU.2014.02429
