  • 學位論文

登革熱疫情有效控制之研究 以臺南市2015年為例

The Study for Effective Control of Dengue Outbreak in Tainan, 2015

指導教授 : 吳昭彥


登革熱(Dengue fever,DF)是由登革病毒引起的一種急性發熱症的病媒傳染病,是世界上傳播速度最快的病媒傳染病,其發生率在過去50年間增加了30 倍,並向新的地理區域擴散蔓延。登革熱是一種環境病、社區病,其病媒白線斑蚊與埃及斑蚊在臺灣均有造成流行記錄,目前仍缺乏有效的疫苗和治療手段,病媒综合防治是主要手段,近年來登革熱是國際間及臺灣地區重要的公共衛生問題。臺灣每到夏天常受登革熱所擾,尤其在位於南臺灣的臺南市、高雄市及屏東縣。2014年高雄市登革熱確診病例14,999人,2015年確診19,769人;臺南2014年登革熱確診病例155人,2015年登革熱疫情大爆發,確診22760人,創下歷史新高,不僅造成城市居民健康重大威脅,也重創了觀光與經濟!然而臺南市在2015年登革熱流行期間推動各項專業知識與科學防疫措施,透過疫情流行指揮中心跨部會合作、資訊公開、科學防疫等策略成功反轉疫情,有效而成功的在該疾病流行季高峰前控制登革熱之擴散,打破歷年來只能借重天氣變冷才能終止疫情流行的珍貴防治經驗,本研究因此探討該城市推動登革熱防治之成功經驗,期冀可以作為未來其他城市登革熱防疫之參考。


Dengue fever is an infectious disease caused by dengue virus, and it is the world fastest-spread Vector-borne disease, whose incidence has increased 30 times in the past 50 years, and has overspread to new areas. Dengue fever is a kind of environmental disease, social disease, and its vector, Aedes albopictus and Aedesa Egypti both had record that causing epidemics. However, there is still lack of efficient vaccine and therapy so far. Thus, the integral prevention and treatment is the main mean. In recent years, Dengue fever has become an important public health problem not only in Taiwan but also in international. Taiwan is often troubled by Dengue fever in summer.especially in Tainan, Kaohsiung and Pingtung counties in southern Taiwan. In 2014, 14,999 cases of Dengue Fever were diagnosed in Kaohsiung City, 19,769 cases were diagnosed in 2015. 155 cases of dengue fever were diagnosed in Tainan in 2014. Dengue fever outbreak in 2015, diagnosed 22,760 cases, a record high, not only caused a major threat to urban health, but also hit the sightseeing and the economy! Dengue fever turned out to become a threat to residents health, however, in 2015, Tainan city has started promoting various kinds of professional knowledge and scientific epidemic prevention measures during the Dengue fever epidemic period. Through the cross-departmental cooperation, information disclosure, scientific epidemic prevention strategies by the epidemic command center, we had successfully reversedthe epidemic, and effectively control the spread of Dengue fever, which broke the experience that could only stop the epidemic with the cold weather.The aim of this study is to explore the successful experience of Dengue fever prevention and controlling, which can be used as reference for other cities in the future.


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