  • 學位論文


Bibliometrics and Visualization Analysis of Long-term Care

指導教授 : 蔡吉昌
共同指導教授 : 陶幼慧(Yu-Hui Tao)


因應我國近年來國人口快速老化趨勢、長期照顧需求人口數劇增,國發會於2012年所公布推估人口統計資料中顯示, 2018年時台灣65歲以上老年人口將占總人口數比例約14.6%,在2025年將達20%,約屆2040年時,比例將達到30%。因為在照護資源開發的急迫性及需求性,政府於 104年5月制定「長期照顧服務法」(衛生福利部網站),朝向多元發展、普及可負擔之服務,保障接受服務者與照顧者尊嚴及權益。 為整合各類長照服務內容、人員管理、機構管理、被照護者權益等資源,使失能者得到更適當的照護與保護。本研究利用文獻計量學的方法,將收錄橫跨33000多種期刊及資料回溯時間為1900年之久的Web of Science資料庫,依據期刊名、關鍵字、摘要及全文資料,進行文獻探勘,利用Citespace及VOSviewer的聚類分析技術(Cluster analysis)和製圖(Mapping)功能,透過國家、機構、作者引文關係及作者及文獻、期刊的共被引關係、關鍵詞共現關係分析,以向量空間模型來展現長期照護的知識結構和内在的變化,改善傳統文獻計量技術,以更豐富的視角、絢爛的色彩、清晰的圖形呈現研究結果。並將整體的及各節點間關係權重,透過聚類算法(Cluster)與整合資料庫中文獻數據,以多樣化的映射技術和數據分析功能,後製成圖樣化的形式。 研究結果透過知識可視化圖譜分析,展示長期照護領域的核心作者與先驅作者之間的相互關係,熱門的研究主題之學術結構和發展狀況,並顯示出長期照護研究領域在不同時期的發展歷程及變化。本研究提供了對長期照顧政策的目標及推動原則之瞭解,以利長期照護專業人員掌握前趨研究領域的全景樣貌,最後提出因應管理之道及相關資源配置之參考。


Due to rapid population aging, the people needing long-term care are increasing rapidly. According to statistical data to estimate the population, the National Development Council announced that the population more than 65 years old will reach up to about 14.6% of the total population of Taiwan in 2018, up to about 20% in 2025, and up to about 30% in 2040. Therefore, for fast developing care resources, the Government has launched a ten-year plan of long-term care and enacted the Long-term Care Services Act in June 2004 to improve the long-term care service system towards the diversified development for protecting the dignity and interests of cared people and servers. Using the method of bibliometrics, the study mainly is to explore academic research literature of the database, Web of Science, with the widest cross-domain and the longest period reference data. Based on paper title, keywords, abstract, and full text, the study uses the functions of Sitespace and VOSviewer, such as integration technology, cluster analysis, cluster technology, and mapping technology, to map the relationship among countries, institutions and authors, and to show the overall network structure of the relationship of nodes, reference and journal co-citation map, keyword co-occurrence diagram, etc. Finally, the results are shown with rich colors. Through bibliometrics knowledge visualization analysis, the study results can show out the core academic researchers of long-term care, the relationships among pioneer authors, the structure and the development of the popular topics, and the development and changes of different long-term care field in distinct period, provide with the understanding of policy objectives and promotion principles for professional staffs of long-term care to comprehend the whole prospect of pioneer researches, and give management methods and the references of allocating resources.


19.吳淑瓊、江東亮(1995),台灣地區長期照護的問題與對策,中華公共衛生雜誌, 14卷3期,246-255頁。
10.李光廷(2008),日本介護保險實施現況、發展與未來,研考雙月刊,32卷6期, 53-67頁。
