  • 學位論文


Investigation and Development on Smart Gateway for Industry 4.0

指導教授 : 廖冠雄
共同指導教授 : 游文通(Wen-Tung Yu)


近年來隨著網路的快速發展以及嵌入式系統的發展越趨成熟,物聯網不再只是一個概念,並開始席捲全球,在各行各業都帶來了革命性的發展。其中將物聯網帶到工業生產的工業4.0,扭轉了傳統的工業生產模式,被喻為是第四次的工業革命。 工業物聯網的基礎設施分為四個部分,負責收集資料以及執行指令的底層裝置、負責將收集到的資料轉送到雲端並將指令傳達給底層裝置的閘道器、覆蓋整個廠區的網路設備、以及負責儲存以及分析資料的雲端伺服器。 隨著工業物聯網技術的持續發展,多功能且具備聯網能力的閘道器已成為工業物聯網的重要關鍵元件,本論文即提出一個基於Node-Red的智慧型聯網閘道器架構並實作其雛型,讓使用者只要具備基本程式邏輯就可自串接的工業設備進行感測資料收集,同時可對資料進行彙整處裡,以及設計控制邏輯來回控設備的運作。除此之外,本論文同時針對常用的功能提出對應的RESTful API並實作之,讓使用者可以透過此API輕鬆的開發第三方程式來取用閘道器上的資源。


In recent years, with the rapid development in networks and embedded systems, Internet of Thing (IoT) is no longer just a concept and begins to make revolutions in various industries. Industrial Internet of Thing (IIoT) is a combination of IoT and industrial manufacturing. IIoT is acclaimed as the fourth generation of industrial revolution, and changes the traditional industrial production model in manufacturing. The infrastructure of the IIoT is divided into four parts: 1. The sensors for collecting the data and controlling the actuators, 2. The gateways for aggregating the data from the sensors and translating the protocols among sensors/actuators, 3. The factory connected via internet infrastructure, 4. The cloud servers for data storage and data analysis. With the contineous development in IIoT technologies, the multifunction gateway with networking capabilities has become a important key component in IIoT. In this thesis, the architecture of a smart IIoT gateway is proposed and its prototype is implemented in a Node-Red-based platform. Via the proposed smart gateway, the users who has only a little basic programming concept can easily set up the control logics to collect data, process data, and control devices. In addition, a set of RESTful APIs are also designed for third-party software to easily access the resources of the smart gateway.


IIoT Industrial Gateway Node-Red


[1] Li Da Xu, Wu He, Shancang Li, ” Internet of Things in Industries: A Survey,” IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON INDUSTRIAL INFORMATICS , vol. 10, no. 4 , pp. 2233-2243, November 2014.
[2] J. Rifkin, 物聯網革命. Translated by 陳儀, 陳琇玲, 台北市: 商周出版, 2014.
[3] A. Botthof, E.A. Hartmann, 工業4.0結合物聯網與大數據的第四次工業革命. Translated by 劉欣, 台北市: 四塊玉文創, 2015.
[4] Node-red. Retrieved Feb 13, 2017, from https://nodered.org/
[5] Up Board


