  • 學位論文


The Study of Student's Learning Motivation's Effect on Achievements of Skills Tests - A case study on a Private Vocational High School at Nantou

指導教授 : 朱瑞淵


本研究旨在探討學生參加技能檢定之學習動機與學習成效之關係,以南投縣某私立高職,參與過烘焙技能檢定之二、三年級學生為研究範圍與對象,總計問卷發放242份,有效問卷回收率為100%。 本研究發現受測者以女性居多、在校成績60分以上、核心家庭為主、每週練習時間在4小時以上、願意投入5000元以內的金額、並無參加其他課程練習、父、母親職業皆為半技術.非技術工作.無業為主。 研究發現在參與檢定之學習動機為中上程度,其中以「求知興趣」最高,在參與檢定之學習成效為中上程度,以「期望」最高;迴歸分析顯示,參與技能檢定對學習動機有顯著正向影響。由多變量變異數分析結果顯示,在個人背景資料「參加技能檢定每週練習時間」對學習動機有相關顯著差異,因此增加練習時間或授課節數,可提升學生的學習動機,相對提高學習成效。 本研究發現學習動機越高相對學習成效越高,老師在授課上可以更加生動,引發學生學習動機,並設計更多與時俱進的課程內容與學習活動,以符合現代生活需求與滿足學生期待,進而提升學生對技能檢定課程的學習動機,以增進學習成效,有助提升個人的生活品質。


學習成效 學習動機


The study aims at investigating learning motivation and achievement on students who participated skills tests. The students were second and third graders from a private vocational high school at Nantou and had attended skills tests. Two hundred and forty-two questionnaires were distributed and 242 were returned with a 100% return rate. Findings showed that there were more female participants, in-school performance was above 60, mostly nuclear family, willing to invest about NT$5,000, not attending other practicing courses and most parents’ occupations were semi-technical, non-technical and unemployed. The current study found that learning motivation towards skills tests was intermediate level, with “learning interest” the highest. Learning achievement was found to be in intermediate level, with “expectations” the highest. After regression analysis, participating skills tests showed significant differences on learning motivation. Through MANOVA, the variable of “practicing time for skills tests per week” had significant differences on learning motivation. Therefore, adding more practicing time or periods for the course increases students’ learning motivation and learning effects as well. Results showed that the higher learning motivation is, the higher learning achievement is. Instructors could try to be more vivid during the class to motivate students and design more lessons with the times and activities to meet students’ needs and expectations. By doing so, learning motivation of students can help promote better learning and better quality in life.


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