  • 學位論文


The Study of Convergence Effect of Banking Industries In America, China and Taiwan: An Application of Metafrontier Cost Malmquist Productivity Gap Inde

指導教授 : 楊永列


本研究將以新古典成長理論的收斂假說為理論基礎,結合 Battese and Rao(2002) 的 Meta-frontier(共同邊界),重新架構 Maniadakis and Thanassoulis (2004) 的 CM 分解法,形成Meta- CM生產力缺口指數(Meta-CM-Productivity Gap index,Meta-CM-PG)分解,以補捉美國、中國、台灣三國銀行業的技術收斂效果。實證結果發現,中國銀行業Meta- CM生產力缺口最小,其次是美國銀行業,最後是台灣銀行業。而生產力收斂效果,以美國銀行業最佳,平均每年以4.3%速度向共同成本邊界收斂。技術效率收斂效果,以台灣銀行業表現最佳,平均每年以7.2%速度向共同成本邊界收斂。而技術變動收斂效果,美中台銀行業均呈退步狀態,而中國退步幅度最小。


Based on the convergence hypothesis in Neoclassical Growth theory, this study applied the concept of Meta-frontier developed by Battese and Rao(2002).The method of the decomposition of cost Malmquist productivity index developed by Maniadakis and Thanassoulis (2004) is reconstructed to establish the Meta-CM-Productivity Gap Index (Meta-CM-PG). The main purpose is to capture the technical convergence effect of the banking industry in the US, China and Taiwan. The empirical results show that the banks in China have the smallest meta-frontier cost gap. The better productivity convergence effect exists in the US banks, and converge on Meta cost frontier 4.3 percent each year. However, the better technical convergence effect exists in the Taiwan’s banks, and converge on Meta cost frontier 7.2 percent each year. Technical convergence effect is decreased in the banking industry in the US, China and Taiwan.


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