  • 學位論文


Explore the impact of community care, care for the elderly to participate Taichung base status and differences in life satisfaction

指導教授 : 謝嫣娉


本研究旨於影響台中市社區老年人參加社區照顧關懷據點狀況及生活滿意度之探討,最後就本研究結果,可以提供目前中部地區從事社區照顧據點之財團法人、社團法人與社區發展協會辦理健促進活動滿意度之參考。本研究以面對面進行資料蒐集,以立意取樣方式調查台中市七個行政區域內有設置社區照顧關懷老年人參與活動後之情形,樣本計336份,有效問卷為314份(93.5%),蒐集後資料SPSS12.0套裝軟體,進行次數分佈、T檢定、單因子變異數分析、相關分析及複迴歸分析,研究結果歸納分析如下: 一、探討不同人口學與健康促進活動滿意度,研究結果為社區老年人於「年齡」、「教育程度」達到統計顯著,其中,年齡以「65歲以下」、「66至75歲」之間所獲得健康促進活動滿意度最佳;教育程度方面,以「高等教育」所獲有健康促進活動滿意度為最佳。 二、健康狀況方面,自覺健康狀況愈不好,則健康促進滿意度相對愈不佳;ADL分數愈高者,所得到健康促進活動滿意度亦會相對提升;IADL評量愈低時,社區老年人所獲得健康促進活動滿意度亦會相對提升。 三、探討自覺健康狀況與健康促進活動滿意度方面,在身體機能、靜態活動活動滿意度方面,自覺健康狀況良好與普通者所獲得健康促進活動滿意度明顯高於健康狀況不太好。在節慶活動中,自覺健康狀況良好所獲得健康促進活動滿意度明顯高於自覺健康狀況不太好者。 四、社區老年人就前往據點使用交通方式而言,社區老年人騎乘機車所獲得健康促進活動滿意度,明顯高於使用其它交通方式,其它交通方式通常有交通車接送、親人接送等。 五、社區老年人參加不同服務單位提供據點活動而言,社區老年人參加以社團法人主辦的據點活動所獲得的健康促進活動滿意度明顯高於財團法人,換句話說,社區老年人較喜愛參加社團法人所辦理的據點活動。 六、本研究結果顯示,解釋影響健康促進活動滿意度之變項有人口學之「女性」與「社團法人」、「每週參加4次以上」等變項對於社區老年人增進健康促進活動滿意度比較具有解釋力,其中,以「社團法人」的解釋力最高,對於健康促進活動滿意度影響最大,其它變項則都未能預測健康促進活動滿意度。 七、研究結果顯示,影響生活滿意度之變項,有「健康促進活動滿意度總分」、「機車」、「女性」、「已婚配偶健在」等變項對於社區老年人增進生活滿意度比較具有解釋力,其中,以「健康促進活動滿意度總分」解釋力最高,對於生活滿意度影響亦是最顯著,其它變項都未能有效預測生活滿意度。換句話說,社區老年人參與據點活動所獲得健康促進活動滿意度,確實可以增進與提升生活滿意度。


This study aimed to affect older people in community care Taichung community care base status and life satisfaction of the final results of this study can provide the current community care locations in the central region of the Foundation, juridical association for health and community development associations promotion satisfaction of reference. In this study, face to face data collection, to purposive sampling survey Taichung seven administrative regions have set up community care activity of older persons in care situations, total 336 samples, 314 valid questionnaires (93.5%) and found double SPSS12.0 package after the data, the frequency distribution, T-test, ANOVA, correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis, the study results are summarized as follows:   First, explore the different demographic and health promotion satisfaction, the results for the elderly in the community "in Age "," education "to reach statistical significance, in which the age of" 65 "," 66 to 75 years' access to health promotion activities between the satisfaction of the best; educational attainment, the "higher education" received satisfaction with health promotion activities for the best.   Second, health status, perceived health status of the more poor, the health promotion satisfaction is relatively more poor;ADL scores were higher, the resulting satisfaction of health promotion activities will be relatively improved; IADL lower assessment, the community health promotion activities for older persons to obtain the relative satisfaction will improve.   Third, explore the perceived health status and satisfaction with aspects of health promotion activities in the body function, static activities Activities, satisfaction, perceived health were obtained in good condition and general health promotion activities was significantly higher than satisfaction with health is not very good. The festival activities, obtained in good perceived health satisfaction, health promotion activities was significantly higher than those who perceived health is not very good.   Fourth, the community base for the elderly to use the traffic on the way, the motorcycle riding community elderly received Satisfaction with health promotion activities was significantly higher than using other modes of transportation, other modes of transportation Usually transport shuttle bus, shuttle and other relatives.   Fifth, this study showed that health promotion activities affect the interpretation of satisfaction with the demographic variables of the "female Sex "and" corporation aggregate "," participate in four or more times a week "and other variables for the elderly in community health promotion activities to promote more satisfaction with the explanatory power, in which the" corporation aggregate "the highest explanatory power for health promotion activities the greatest impact on satisfaction, while all other variables failed to predict satisfaction with health promotion activities.      Sixth, the findings show that affect life satisfaction variables, the "overall satisfaction with health promotion activities Points "," locomotive "," Female "," married spouse alive "and other variables for the elderly in community to promote life satisfaction compared with the explanatory power, which, in order to" health promotion activities satisfaction score, "the highest explanatory power for life satisfaction is also the most significant impact of other variables failed to predict life satisfaction. In other words, community participation of older persons stronghold health promotion activities to obtain satisfaction, we can really enhance and improve life satisfaction.


