  • 學位論文


Attitude toward Future Living Arrangements for Middle-Aged 45-64 and Its Associated Factors in Taiwan

指導教授 : 張明正 邱政元


目的:本文旨在探討台灣地區45-64歲中年人選擇養老居住的相關影響因素。 方法:採橫斷式研究法,分析2008年行政院主計處人力資源附帶專案調查的中老年狀況調查資料庫,納入條件為45-64歲的中年人口,並以SPSS 14.0進行描述性統計、卡方檢定、多項式邏輯斯迴歸分析。 結果:年齡、居住區域別、婚姻現況、教育程度、自覺健康狀態、目前主要經濟來源、每月收入(元)等人口學變項,以及工作身分、工作職務等工作變項是影響中年人選擇養老居住方式的相關因素。 結論: 一、中年人選擇養老居住方式之研究結果總結:有配偶、教育程度為國初中、自覺健康良好、主要經濟來源為工作收入或儲蓄或家人支持者越傾向於與配偶(同居人)同住(安養機構為參考組);年齡越大、有配偶、教育程度越高、經濟來源為工作收入或儲蓄或家人支持者越傾向於與晚輩同住(安養機構為參考組);年齡越大、居住區域別為東部的民眾、教育程度為國小或國初中、月收入較低、主要經濟來源為儲蓄、無規劃未來養老經濟來源者越傾向於獨居(安養機構為參考組);未婚、自覺健康良好、主要經濟來源為工作收入或儲蓄或家人支持者越傾向於與親朋好友同住(安養機構為參考組)。 二、有工作的中年人選擇養老居住方式之研究結果總結:年齡較大、有配偶、教育程度為國初中、自覺健康良好、經濟來源為工作收入或儲蓄或家人支持、無酬家屬工作者及工作職務為專業人員或事務工作人員或服務工作人員及售貨員,較傾向與配偶同住(安養機構為參考組);年齡較大、有配偶、教育程度為未受過教育或國小或國初中者或高中職、自覺健康良好、目前主要經濟來源為工作收入或儲蓄或家人支持、無酬家屬工作者及工作職務為民意代表及政府行政主管人員或專業人員或技術員及助理技術人員或事務工作人員或服務工作人員及售貨員,較傾向與晚輩同住(安養機構為參考組);年齡較大、居住區域為東部、教育程度國小或國初中或高中職、自覺健康良好、月收入少於25,000元、主要經濟來源為儲蓄、未規劃未來養老經濟來源、非無酬家屬工作者及工作職務為民意代表及政府行政主管人員或專業人員或事務工作人員較傾向獨居(安養機構為參考組);未婚、自覺健康良好、經濟來源為工作收入或儲蓄或家人支持者及工作職務為專業人員較傾向與親朋好友同住(安養機構為參考組)。此結果可供有關單位規劃高齡人口社會安養照護政策,以及開發銀髮商機的參考依據。


Objective: This paper is to explore the related factors that influence the decision-making of post-retirement living styles from middle-aged population (aged 45-64 years) in Taiwan. Method: The cross-section design is used to analyze data of the additional middle-aged survey (2008 years) from the Directorate-General of Budget, Accounting and Statistics, Executive Yuan. The qualified samples are respondents who aged 45-64 years. The SPSS 14.0 is used to carry out descriptive statistics, chi-square tests, and multinomial logistic regression analysis. Results: The relevant factors that influence the respondents’ decision-making processes of post-retirement living styles are age groups, residential areas, marital statuses, education levels, self-ranked health statuses, current financial source and monthly income (NTD), and their professional posts and titles. Conclusion: According to respondents’ current professional statuses (job or jobless), the researchers have proposed two hypotheses to explain to the middle-aged population how to choose their post-retirement living styles. At first, the respondents who have characteristics of married, junior high school of education level, good self-ranked health status, and stable financial sources (salary, savings, or family support) tend to choose to live with their spouses or partners as compared to those who choose to live in caring organization. The respondents, who, aged 55-64 years, are married, have higher education levels, and stable financial sources (salary, savings, or family support) tend to choose to live with their posterity or offspring. The respondents, who aged 55-64 years old, current residents of Eastern Taiwan, their education level less than junior high school, low-grade salary, savings as financial source and those who do not plan on post-retirement financial support tend to live alone. Otherwise, those who have characteristics of unmarried, good self-ranked health status, and stable financial sources (salary, savings, or family support) have a significant intent to live with their relatives and friends in future. Secondary, we try to analyze the characteristics of respondents who are not jobless and the results as follow. Compared with those who choose to live in caring organization, the respondents of married, 55-64 years old, junior high school of education level, good self-ranked health status, stable financial sources (salary, savings, or family support), unpaid labors, and those titled as one of professional, salespeople and office staffs have tendencies to choose to live with their spouses or partners. The respondents, decision-making of living with their posterity or offspring, have characteristics of 55-64 years old, married, education level less than senior high school, stable financial sources (salary, savings, or family support), unpaid labor, and those titled as one of representative, professional, technician, salespeople and office staffs. The respondents, who are age of 55-64 years, current residents of Eastern Taiwan, education level less than senior high school, good self-ranked health status, low-grade current salary, savings as financial source, without any plan for post-retirement financial support, not unpaid labors, and professional titles as one of representative, professional and salespeople have a tendency to choose living alone. However, those who are unmarried, good self-ranked health status, stable financial sources (salary, savings, or family support) and professionals have a tendency to choose to live with their relatives and friends in the future. Our research results can render a reference to the authority to plan public retirement policy and develop markets targeting for the elderly population.




