  • 期刊


Cultural Memories and Cinematic/TV Mediations: Interpreters in the Japanese Conflicts Zone


無庸置疑,譯者在跨語際的文化活動裡,擔當著一個重要角色。可惜的是,往往因為文化機制的成規,譯者被讀者視而不見、被原作者鋒芒蓋過、被出版機構隱形,總之,譯者過去被排斥到邊緣位置,甚至被學界長期置之不理,並成慣例。但這現象自 1980 年起,隨著翻譯研究的興起,出現了結構性的改變。譯者群突然浮出歷史地表,成為影視製作中一個牽動情節、改寫結局,甚至能踰越國家霸權,帶著多重文化意函的角色。我們如何解釋文化產品突然聚焦譯者,而呈現出大量以譯者為當眼角色的現象呢?本文以兩部中日戰爭為題的華語影視製作,並選用二次世界大戰東亞的一個重要戰場──香港──作為論述對象,分析本土製作及觀影者,如何利用戰時譯者掌有「語言即權力」的功能,以「中間人」角色,於戰場及淪陷區內協商、交涉及斡旋敵對勢力衝突的情形,反映大眾傳媒建構中日國家歷史論述以外的另一種民族文化身份。


Undoubtedly, interpreters play an indispensable role in interlingual transmission process. But they have been ignored by the readers, overshadowed by the authors, and omitted by the publishers. Starting from the 1980s, with the rise of translation studies, interpreters have suddenly become a focus in mass media such as popular fictions and commercial films. Interpreters have gotten out from its obscure position to become a conspicuous figure. How do we explain this sudden focalization of the interpreters in cultural representations? We will mainly examine two cinematic representations of interpreter in the Japanese conflict zone, which, in this paper, is defined by a series of historical events triggered by the Japanese invasion of Hong Kong, China from 1937 to the end of World War II. While history textbooks are always seen as a powerful tool to manipulate nationalism and cultural memories of the War, we will argue that war movies have found a fresh channel to formulate new historical interpretation by featuring the intermediary role and function of the interpreter. As interpreters are the main personnel who possess the power of language and cultural agency, they are no longer regarded as bystanders or sidekick in the historical narrative and featured films. This paper proposed that the phenomenon of the visibility of the interpreters has to do with the search for national and cultural identity, which often projects the interpreters as someone who hold crucial negotiation power to change the course of history in the globalized world.


葉問數字。2015 年4 月20 日取自:http://www.e-bq.com/special/yewenshuzi/
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