  • 期刊


Influenza Virus Strains Isolated from 1983 to 1993 in Taipei


為瞭解流行性感冒病毒感染在台北地區的流行狀況,由1983年至1993年共採得咽喉部檢體3,112件,分離出158株(51%)流行性感冒病毒,其中74株(46.8%)為A型,58株(36.7%)為B型。依分離病毒之狀況雄到在各月份均可能有流行性感冒感染的流行,A/H1N1在四、五月而A/H3N2和B型在寒冷的12月和元月有較多的病毒被分離出來。A/H1N1、A/H3N2和B型三種流行性感冒病毒,皆有重複流行的跡象。本實驗室分離出之流行性感冒病毒株,近八成是由12歲以下小孩分離出來。流行性感冒流行期間,病毒分離率為45.5%。A/Taiwan/1/86(H1N1)係於1986年四月分離發現,已成為世界衛生組織分離流行性感冒病毒的標準試劑(CDC reagent kit),迄今已8年了(1986-93);另外A/Beijing/32/92(H3N2)係從北京市1-31'92的檢體分離出,本所12-16'91的檢體被鑑定為A/Beijing/32/92-like;1990年元月3日的檢體,被鑑定為B/Panama/45/90-like,因送檢較緩而此兩株未登列於CDC reagent kit中。


In order to identify the influenza virus strains in Taipei, throat-swab specimens of 3,112 upper respiratory infection patients were collected from 1983 to 1993. The influenza virus was detected in 158 specimens; among them, 74 isolates (46.8%) were identified as influenza virus type A while 58 isolates (36.7%) were type B. The predominant strain in Taipei was type A (A/H1N1) in April and May, whereas type A (A/H3N2) and type B infections were much more common in the cold season of the year, namely from December to January. Around 80% of the isolates identified in this laboratory were from children under 12. During the epidemic of influenza virus infection, the isolation rate of the virus was about 45.5% during the epidemic season. Re-infections of all 3 types of influenza virus are quite common in Taipei. Strain A/Taiwan/1/86 (H1N1) used as a standard strain for the CDC reagent kit was first isolated by this laboratory April 1986. We also isolated a new strain on December 16, 1991 but it was later named Al Beijing/32/92-like, only because our sample arrived at CDC two days later than that of the original, which was first isolated on January 31, 1992 in Beijing. Prior to the identification of B/Panama/45/90, we isolated a strain similar to B/Panama/45/90 on January 3, 1990. However, again owing to delay in shipping of the isolated viruses to the CDC for confirmation. The two new isolates miss the chance to be listed as standard strains for the CDC reagent kit.


influenza Taipei epidemiology reinfection antigenic drift


