  • 期刊


Development of a Sampling and Analytical Method for Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) and 3-Ethenylpyridine (3-Ep) Using Solid Adsorbent, Thermal Desorption Procedure and Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectr


本研究嘗試將Tenax-TA(上標 ®)與Carbotrap(上標 ®),製成一複合式吸附劑(multisorbent)的採樣管,用以採集室內及室外揮發性有機化合物,並且以熱脫附(thermal desorption)的方法,將樣本脫附濃縮後,注入氣相層析儀/質譜儀(GC/MS)分析。此採樣分析方法,可準確定量12種C6-C10的化合物,以及三種砒碇類的化合物。分析測定結果發現:熱脫附裝置的脫附效率可達97%。各主要分析標的化合物的偵測極限,範圍由0.714ng(l,3,5-Trilnethvlbenzene)到4.88ng(2-picolinee)。分析系統對於標的化合物的重複測試,其變異係數範圍從0.4%~13.6%。本採樣管在25℃相對濕度65%,注入15種化合物總量達7500ng的狀況下進行破出實驗,當測試體積達14L時,僅有benzene與heptene有破出的現象,其中benzene在測試體積小淤7.2L時,不會有破出情況發生。將本採樣系統與Tenax-GC採樣設備,一起進行大氣環境的採樣,可發現同一種採樣設備,其對照樣本結果的差異,多在10%~20左右,差異性不大。將本採樣、分析設備實際應用在台北市的居家室內環境中,發現一個晚上大約抽14-35支香煙的家戶,其室內環境的benzene的平均濃度為14.1ppb;3-Eethenylpyridine的平均濃度為0.15ppb。


This study was designed to develop a technique to sample indoor/outdoor volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in Taipei. About 12 VOCs of C6-C12 and 3 pyridines, including 3-ethenylpyridine (3-EP), were successfully collected by the multi-sorbent sampling tubes, which contain Tenax-TA(superscript ®) and Carbotrap(superscript ®), and accurately analyzed by a thermal desorption unit coupled with a gas chromatography with mass spectrometer. The desorption efficiencies for most of the target compounds were above 97%. The detection limits (LOD) ranged from 0.714ng for 1,3,5-trimethylbenzene to 4.88ng for picoline per sampling tube. Based on the 14L sampling volume, the LOD's were 0.07 for benzene, and 0.08ppb for toluene. The coefficient of variance (CV) of the 6 analyzed sampling tubes with the same amounts of VOCs ranged from 0.4% to 13.6% for most of the target compounds. The breakthrough volumes of 15 VOCs with a total amount of 7,500ng under the condition of 25℃ and 65% relative humidity were all greater than 14L except for benzene, which was less than 7.2L. The differences between Tenax-GC(superscript ®) tubes and the multi-sorbent sampling tube in measuring VOCs in the field were within 20% for most of the VOCs. In the field application of 6 homes with smokers, the sampling and analytical system had measured an average concentrations of benzene at 14.1 ppb and 3-EP at 0.15ppb.


