  • 期刊


Factors Related to Acceptance of Pap Test by Women in Kinmen




In this study, data on married women living in Kinmen aged 30 to 64 were collected in order to assess factors related to the use of the Papanicolaou test (Pap test) in the Kinmen area. According to 1989 government records, there were 8541 married women aged 30 to 64 in Kinmen. Systematic sampling (1:7) was used to create a group of 1203 women to be interviewed in their homes. 990 completed the interview (response rate 82.3%). 81.7% of the 990 respondents had heard of the Pap test, 62.1% had undergone a Pap test at least once, and 49.0% had it as part of the regular physical examination. The primary reasons for not having a Pap test were fear of the test and not knowing where to go to have the test performed. Place of residence, age, education, and spouse's occupation were all sociodemographic factors in Pap test use. Health beliefs and education were factors: the more correct a woman's understanding of the Pap test the more likely she was to have the test, and those who had consulted a gynecologist, had knowledge regarding cervical cancer, or had symptoms of gynecological conditions were more likely to have had the test. Those with a better social support structure were also more likely to have had the test. The main sources of information about the Pap test were television, newspapers, and relatives, though those who were informed by medical staff about the Pap test were most likely to have had the test. The level of familiarity with the medical staff was also a significant factor. In conclusion, in addition to medical knowledge, attitudes, and experiences, the principle factors for women in kinmen having the Pap test are knowledge of where and when the tests are done and sociodemographic factors, particularly education level.


