  • 期刊


Validity of Filter Paper Dried Blood Method and Saliva Test for the Detection of HIV-1 Infection


本研究利用濾紙乾血及唾液配合Wellcozyme HIV 1+2 GACELISA (Immunoglobulin G antibody capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)試劑做HIV-1抗體檢查,並且和兩次EIA檢驗血清檢體後的確認結果比較,以評估濾紙乾血法及唾液檢查法的效度。結果發現,濾紙乾血法的敏感度(sensitivity)為93.55%(58/62),特異度(specificity)為98.72%(77/78)。但與經Western Blot確認的個案比較,敏感度則達到100%。唾液檢查法的敏感度及特異度也均為100%。此外,經過六個月的室溫置放,濾紙乾血仍可有效檢測出HIV-1抗體。Omni-Sal唾液收集器中的唾液置於室溫下經過一個月後也可有效到出HIV-1抗體。由本研究的效度評估結果顯示,濾紙乾血法及唾液檢查法皆具有相當的可信度。在室溫下,檢體的保存期限也可達至少一個月的時間,其中濾紙乾血法在儲存六個月後再測,仍可百分之百測出HIV-1抗體。這兩種方法將可作為大規模篩檢及匿名篩選可行的工具。


We evaluated the validity of the filter paper dried blood method and saliva test for detecting HIV-1 antibodies. Specimens of filter paper dried blood and saliva were tested with IgG-capture enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (GACELISA). HIV-1 antibody results on dried blood and saliva were compared with the HIV-l serostatus determined by EIA (Enzyme immunoassay). The overall sensitivity and specificity of the filter paper dried blood method were 93.55%(58/62) and 98.72%(77/78), respectively. However, the filter paper dried blood was 100% sensitive if compared with Western Blot. The saliva test was 100% sensitive on 110 specimens collected from anti-HIV-1 positive patients. The specificity of the saliva test was also 100% on 109 specimens collected from anti-HIV negative individuals. In addition, storing dried blood specimens at room temperature for up to 6 months did not affect the results of the GACELISA test. The saliva test also detected HIV-1 antibody correctly after the saliva specimens had been stored at room temperature for 1 month. These results demonstrate that GACELISA tests on saliva or on filter paper dried blood are accurate alternatives to the conventional blood test for HIV-1 antibodies. These two methods are suitable for large-scale screening and for epidemiological studies.


