  • 期刊


Estimation of Indirect Costs and Analysis of Associated Factors for Hospitalized Drug Addicts




Objectives: To understand the impact of drug abuse on our society and for setting policy priorities, we applied the human capital approach to estimate indirect costs of drug abuse. Methods: Eighty-two drug addicts who sought hospitalization treatments in 1997 were sampled and interviewed with a questionnaire. Results: The preliminary results are shown as follows. In 1997, the total indirect costs of 82 addicts were 76, 904, 128 NT dollars; the average costs per person per year were 937, 855 NT dollars. In terms of the types of costs in 1997, the cost of seeking drugs was the highest (55, 793, 400 NT dollars, or 72.55%); the next was productivity loss (20, 449, 272 NT dollars, or 26.59%); the third was transportation fee (492, 696 NT dollars, or 0.64%); and the lowest was other related costs including facilities and special nurses costs (168, 760 NT dollars, or 0.22%). In terms of the employment status in 1997, the cost of unemployed addicts per person per year due to drug abuse before 1997 was the highest; the next was unemployed addicts since 1997; the lowest was persons who never changed employment status. Conclusions: Through ANOVA and multiple regression a1ysis, we found that a change of employment status manifested as the significant factor on total indirect costs, total productivity loss, productivity loss due to eking a drug-free program, and productivity loss due to changing employment status.


drug abuse indirect costs productivity loss


