  • 期刊


Views on the Human Body & Spirit and Healthy Living in Huai Nan Tze—Based on the Development and Influence on Lao-Tze's and Chuang-Tze's Philosophy of Healthy Living


本論文旨在解析《淮南子》的形神觀與養生論,兼論其傳承老、莊養生哲學之依違情形,全文除了前言與結論外,主要內容有如下述: 一、《淮南子》一書中形、氣、神三位一體之互構意涵與關聯性 二、《淮南子》傳承老、莊養生哲學的異同析辨 (一)《淮南子》對老、莊養生哲學的傳承觀點 1.強調重生,反對生生之厚 2.有主於中、以內樂外(不以身役物,不以欲滑和) 3.以反虛、貴虛之實踐工夫,達到「與道合一」的境界 (二)《淮南子》對老、莊養生哲學的轉化觀點―人體與天地宇宙的和諧統一 透過上述論題之探討,本論文擬提出《淮南子》 以漢代天人宇宙觀為思想背景,融匯先秦道家之養生哲學,所產生的形神觀與養生論之特色。


淮南子 形神觀 養生論 老子 莊子


The thesis explores the views on human body & spirit and healthy living in Huai Nan Tze. The central topics of this thesis are: 1. Critical rewiew of other scholar’s research concerning the views on human body & spirit and healthy living in Huai Nan Tze, to eximine whether these analyses agree with Huai Nan Tze’s original thoughts. 2. Discussion of the definition and analysis of the concepts of the human body & spirit and healthy living in the book “Huai Nan Tze”. 3. Examination of the influences of Lao-Tze’s and Chuang-Tze’s philosophy of healthy living had on Huai Nan Tze, including the differences and similarities among the thoughts of these philosophers. Exploration of the views on the human body & spirit and healthy living in Huai Nan Tze, based on the development and influence of Lao-Tze’s and Chuang-Tze’s philosophy of healthy living.
