  • 期刊


A Study of the Metaphorical Metaphor in Hakka Folk Songs




客家文學 山歌 認知 概念隱喻 語言風格


Hakka Folk Song records the life, emotion and thinking of the Hakkapeople, shows the beauty of Hakka language, literature, and culture. In particular, the contents of the lyrics contain rich cognitive language features. This article first sorts out the research literature on Hakka folk songs so far for retrospection and reflection, and then uses Liu Junzhang's compilation of "Selected Hakka folk songs" as the main source of corpora. From these tens of thousands of folk songs, further using Lakoff&Johnson's (1980, 2006) "conception of metaphor" theory and Fauconnier's (1984) "concept fusion" theory to discusse the metaphors in the Hakka folk song based on the source domain of ontological metaphor. These include physical metaphorical expressions such as "body metaphor", "animal metaphor", "plant metaphor", and "food metaphor," from which one explores the underlying color of the word to highlight the characteristics of the Hakka folk song literary language.


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朱耀沂:《成語動物學。鳥獸篇》、《成語動物學。蟲魚傳說動物篇》(臺北:城邦文化公司,2007 年1 月)。
張榮興、黃惠華:〈心理空間理論與「梁祝十八相送」之隱喻研究〉,《語言暨語言學》第6 卷第4 期(2005 年10 月),頁681-705。
賴玲玉:《台語流行歌詞中的愛情隱喻(1980-2010)》(彰化:國立彰化師範大學臺灣文學研究所臺灣文學教學碩士論文,2011 年6 月)。
謝健雄:〈當代臺灣漢語慣用轉喻:認知語言學取徑〉,《人文暨社會科學期刊》第4 卷第1 期(2008 年6 月)。
