  • 期刊


Empirical Analysis of Abused Drugs among Taiwan’s Youths and Their Transnational Trafficking


法務部資料顯示,毒品犯罪於2010年以後成為少年刑事案件最大宗犯罪組型,其所占比例至2012年以後更突破五成,已成為少年犯罪原因首位。只就毒品查緝成果而言,海洛因、安非他命及愷他命查獲量皆占毒品查獲量的前三名,其中第三級毒品愷他命為最大宗,占總查緝量達65.5 %,逾七成的愷他命來自中國太陸。綜上所述,毒品罪位居我國少年犯罪首位,施用種類則以愷他命為主,而其來源又以中國大陸為主,有鑑於此,如何有遏止海峽兩岸間毒品販運問題實成為當務之急。本研究透過我國法院判決書內容,了解近年兩岸毒品販運之種類與手法,找出合作執法之缺虞暨提供執法合作相關建議事項等,希冀對未來兩岸合作打擊毒品犯罪之效能有助益。


毒品販運 販運手法


According to the Ministry of Justice of R.O.C., drug offenses have become the main types of juvenile delinquencies since 2010. In addition, since 2012, drug offenses have taken a great portion of more than 50% in juvenile delinquencies and also have become the main reason resulting in juvenile criminal cases. From the aspect of quantity of seized drugs, heroin, amphetamines and ketamine are the main kinds of seized drugs. Among the seized drugs, the ketamine takes a portion of65.5% and it has become the dominate drug in Taiwan. Meanwhile, over 70% of seized ketamine comes from the mainland China. In summary, drug offenses have ranked first among all juvenile delinquencies in Taiwan, and the dominate kind of drug is ketamine which mainly comes from the mainland China. Therefore, how to effectively curb drug trafficking between the Taiwan Strait has become an important priority. This study is based on the recent court verdicts, and by analyzing the verdicts, the authors try to understand the main kinds and modus operandi of drug trafficking between the Taiwan Strait and then propose drug trafficking preventions and recommending solutions, hoping to enhance the effectiveness of cross-strait cooperation in the fight against drug crimes


Drug Trafficking Modus Operandi


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