  • 期刊


5S Techniques to Optimize Software and Hardware Equipment for Improving Teaching Effectiveness


目的:結合PDCA與5S管理法(Sort、Strengthen、Shine、Standardize、Sustain)進行品質改善,提升教學成效。方法:以5W(what, when, where, who, why)手法分析現況,依SMART(Specific、Measurable、Achievable、Relevant、Time-limited)原則進行目標設定,專案成員針對「為何教學軟硬體設備需要優化」,完成特性要因圖,運用5S管理法擬定對策介入實施。結果:有形成果(量性)以教學專責人員滿意度與實習生對教師教學滿意度結果呈現,目標達成率皆大於100%。無形成果(質性)以PDCA進行前後硬體設備比對圖呈現,並增加多元化教學素材優化軟體設備。結論:透過改善教學軟硬體設備,除增加收納空間,也促進教學專責人員的工作效率與學習者學習的主動性、積極性、教材取得的可近性,進而提升教學成效。


5S SMART 教學成效


Objective: Combining the PDCA cycle and 5S management methods (sort, strength, shine, standardize, and sustain) to improve the quality of learning and teaching effectiveness. Methods: We analyzed the current education environment by using the 5Ws model (what, when, where, who, and why) and the strategies developed on the basis of SMART goals (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-limited). Then, we determined the necessity of optimizing teaching software and hardware equipment. Finally, the 5S management method was applied to formulate countermeasures and intervention. Results: The tangible effectiveness (quantitative) was obtained from the results of satisfaction questionnaires filled by teaching staff and trainees to evaluate teaching performance. The goal achievement percentage was >100%. The nonformation effects (qualitative) are presented using figures comparing the hardware environment before and after the PDCA cycle. Moreover, we found that the addition of diversified teaching materials could optimize the software device. Conclusion: Improving teaching hardware and software equipment not only increases the storage space but also promotes the work efficiency of teaching staff; the learning initiative, enthusiasm, and accessibility of teaching materials improve teaching effectiveness.


5S SMART learning effectiveness
