  • 期刊


The Effect of Auditory Interface on Menu-based Information Navigation for Older Adults


數位內容導覽已成為人機互動的主流。導覽是一種牽涉記憶與空間認知等心智資源的活動,因此對於認知功能退化的高齡者而言,提供有效的互動介面便成為一項深具福祉意涵的人因設計課題。相較於以往視覺為主的互動研究,具有多媒體互補潛能的聽感設計仍留有諸多待開發的議題,例如語音及非語音的聽感呈現在強化高齡者維持導覽記憶是否有差異?綜此,本計畫旨在研究聽感設計對輔助高齡者選單式資訊導覽之績效與使用者經驗。本研究招募南部某公立長青中心電腦研習班高齡受試者與南部某大學管理學院大學部與碩士生各10名,進行2(年齡)x4(聽感模式)之分割型因子實驗(split-plot factorial design)。年齡為高齡與年輕兩組之受試間因子;聽感模式則為受試內因子,包括旁白、旁白加音源、聲音圖像、聲音圖像加音源等四種實驗處理。依變項則包括選單導覽記憶正確率與使用者偏好排序。實驗結果顯示年齡與聽感各有顯著主效果但無交互作用。高齡受試者一如文獻所預期導覽績效不若年輕受試者。四種聽感介面中以旁白或旁白加音源效果顯著優於聲音圖像,惟增加圖像構面時(如音源方位),其導覽記憶可與旁白並駕齊驅,但圖像構面的數量與種類仍需透過縝密的實驗做最終的決定。在新鮮感、增加專注力、互動壓力、導覽疲勞感等四個構面,高齡與年輕受試者各有不同之偏好排序。本研究結果將可提供融入高齡需求之視聽導覽介面設計準則。


The pervasive advance in digital technology has made web- or mobile-based browsing a mainstream interaction activity. Such perusal of digital contents involves mental resources including memory and spatial cognition. As literature has well documented that aging is normally associated with decline in cognitive abilities, design of appropriate interfaces for older adults to successfully interact with digital contents thus bears significance. Interface design has been visually dominated, leaving many issues unresolved concerning the role of the auditory modality in human-computer interaction. For example, how does the verbalized auditory display (e.g., narration) perform differentially from the non-verbal (e.g., earcons) counterpart in achieving stronger retention of browsed contents? By addressing the issues and alike, the present study aims to investigate the effect of auditory design on browsing performance as well as user experience with age-difference considerations. 10 older adults aged over 65 from a public Evergreen Leaning Center and 10 students from the College of Management of a university were recruited to participate in a 2x4 split-plot factorial experiment where age and auditory interface were independent variables. Age is a between-subject factor with old and young groups. Auditory interface was designed as a within-subject factor, consisting of narration, narration plus sound orientation, earcon, and earcon plus sound orientation treatments. Perusal behavior was evaluated by browsing performance in terms of recall hit rate and by ranked preference. The results indicated that age and auditory interface are both significant but without an interaction. The older subject was outperformed by the young counterpart with respect to the ability to recall the browsed contents. The narration or narration plus sound orientation produced higher hit rates than the earcon for both age groups. The preference among the four auditory treatments along four ranking dimensions varied depending on which age group was assessed. The results are expected to contribute to the design of multimedia browsing interface with unique needs of the older adult.
