  • 期刊


Cycling Travelers: An Analysis of Taiwanese Cycling Travel Writing




壯遊 旅行 單車 遊記 單車遊記


In 1980s, Taiwanese traveler, Hu Rong-hwa, traveled around the world by cycling and wrote a series of cycling travel writings. In 1990s, breaking sexual barriers, Lin Ji-ying and Jiang Qiu-ping successfully completed a cycling journey around the globe. With the rise of the cycling fever in Taiwan, cycling travel becomes popular. These riders are devoted to recording their journey in words. They also bring different styles to prose. In these writings, it can be found that the riders take cycling travel as the rite of passage of their lives by riding on their own. After these riders experienced the processes of separation, margin-transition, and aggregation, they bid farewell to the past and then move onto the next stages of lives with different meanings. These riders live in different times but they all take recognizing the world and self-searching as their missions. However, the later generations of riders shift slightly from taking responsibility of their country and homes to soul-searching. When these riders with Ulysses factor face unknown danger and accidents, they do not suspend the adventure and then they acquire different philosophy of lives from the life-threatening moments. However, considering the essence of writing, these writings should not only be the records of superficial feelings or trifling affairs but also be sufficient to reflect the meanings of travel and the viewpoints of the writers.


羅智成,2000,〈相約天涯:羅智成談旅行文學〉,《聯合文學》,第16 卷第7 期,頁68-73。
Mayo, Edward J. & Jarvis, Lance P.著、蔡麗伶譯,1990,《旅遊心理學》,台北:揚智文化。
