  • 會議論文


The School Disappearing-Characteristic Kindergarten Moves Towards Dissolving Process: With the Parents' Perspective


少子化首當其衝的教育現場就是幼稚園。無論是公立或私立的幼稚園,在面臨少子化的趨勢下,必須及早做好幼教經營者的轉變與改革。本研究的特色幼稚園,並非受到少子化的波及影響而消失,而是在地方政府教育處政策之下的所遭受到廢校的幼稚園。幼稚園未屬義務教育,仍是家長選擇幼稚園讓幼童就讀爲主,所以家長的觀點乃是本研究關注的焦點。 本研究以訪談法爲主,以幼兒家長的觀點來看待特色幼稚園的裁撤歷程。本研究結果發現:1.對於裁撤廢校的教育政策家長多持負面的看法,且浪費國家資源;2.家長對春天分園續留一年再廢校的政策,未顧慮師生安全考量,極欠缺配套計畫;3.家長對被裁撤廢校的幼稚園特色念念不忘;4.家長認爲應可積極尋找空地增建或搬遷方式,維持幼稚園獨有特色;5.家長對新成立的園所環境空間安排不滿意,讓弟弟妹妹就讀新園所意願不高。已廢園的幼稚園對家長及幼兒心中都是不可抹滅掉的記憶。


No matter the public or private kindergarten under facing the trend of low birth rate, must do a correct decision of the transition and reform. The kindergarten disappear because of local government's education department's policy formulation, not low birth rate factor. The kindergarten is not compulsory education, parents' perspective is important issues in the research. The research used interview method. Results of the study were as followed: 1. Parents' perspective hold on more negatively and waste more resources in this event. 2. All parents unsatisfied in the policy decision. Local government's education Department don't care about student safety issues. 3. Parents bear the characteristic of the kindergarten dissolved in the heart. 4. Parents think that can look for the vacant lot to expand or move the way actively, keep the kindergarten characteristic. 5. Parents arrange to be unsatisfied with to the environment of newly kindergarten, let younger brother's younger sister study in the new kindergarten will non-high. Finally, the kindergarten of the obsolete can't wipe the memory in parents and children in the heart.
