  • 會議論文


A Study of the Impacts of Relational Exchange Characteristics and Relationship Quality on the Performance of Innovation Diffusion in Business Relationships


過去關於關係行銷與創新擴散的個別研究甚多,但很少結合這兩個領域的研究。本研究旨在探討以關係式交易特性(關係投資、關係利益、關係長度、及關係導向)作爲前置變數,以關係品質(滿意、信任、承諾)作爲中介變數,對創新擴散績效(新產品試用及採用意願)的影響。 本研究以人員攜帶問卷成功調查約80家員工人數100人以上企業之138位與長期合作供應商有業務接觸的員工(年資在2年以上),統計分析發現:(1)關係式交易特性與關係品質有顯著正向關聯。(2)關係式交易特性與新產品試用意願有顯著正向關聯。(3)關係品質與新產品試用意願及採用意願有顯著正向關聯。(4)新產品試用意願與新產品採用意願有顯著正向關聯。(5)關係品質具有顯著的中介作用。


There were plenty of studies on relationship marketing and on innovation diffusion, but few combined these two areas of research. In view of this gap, the main purposes of the current study are to construct a ”Model of the impacts of relational exchange characteristics and relationship quality on the performance of innovation diffusion” and to empirically test the validity of the model. Specifically, in this framework, we propose that several important relational exchange characteristics (relationship investment, relationship benefit, relationship length, and relationship orientation) will influence innovation diffusion performance (new product trial intention and new product adoption intention) through the mediation of relationship quality (satisfaction, trust, and commitment). This study successfully surveyed 138 business employees with questionnaire by personal contacts. These respondents are currently working in about 80 medium to big size companies (each has more than 100 employees and most of the companies are manufacturers), and hold at least 2 years experiences in front-line jobs that need to contact with long-term suppliers. Statistical analyses found that: (1) All the four relational exchange characteristics were positively related to relationship quality. (2) All the four relational exchange characteristics were positively related to new product trial intention. (3) Relationship quality was positively related to both new product trial intention and new product adoption intention. (4) New product trial intention was positively related to new product adoption intention. (5) Relationship quality partially mediated the relationships between relational exchange characteristics and both new product trial intention and new product adoption intention. This study can provide academia and businesses with insights into how to enhance innovation diffusion performance through relationship marketing efforts. In addition to the discussion of the managerial implications of the findings, the study also provides some recommendations and future research directions to both researchers and practitioners.


